Dallin, Katiana, and Parker

Sorry for my abscence the past few days. It’s been very hectic here! Thanks to Stacy Knight (who started tattooing a decade and a half ago with a homemade machine in highschool — read the rest of that story on his IAM page if you’d like) from Dragon FX (Kingsway Garden Mall location) in Edmonton, Alberta for this handprint tattoo with signatures.

Lane adds, “A good friend of mine Maurice Haun came in to have Stacy finish the last hand print tattoo on his back. Maurice’s children all gave Stacy a piece of paper containing their finger paint hand stamp so their father could have them prints tattooed on his back. The neat thing about them is that they each used the hand they write with and as you may have noticed, his daughter is a lefty.”

What, this isn’t how you sleep?

Thanks to Lefrog for this shot of Namesofthedead‘s 8-point static suspension by House of Wah and Constant Elevation. It’s interesting — finally after about three decades, rigging techniques pioneered by Stelarc and honed by groups like TSD are finally becoming more common. Not that there’s anything wrong with a simple back suspension, and I think for most people that’s the better way to go — but for art’s sake, I just love this style of rigging.

BME Newsfeed for Aug 31, 2006

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BME Newsfeed for Aug 30, 2006

Please note that links may expire. IAM members, please help out by submitting stories!