Washing Instructions Tattoo

Dave, tattooed by Ron at Adrenaline in Montreal explains,

Hand wash, warm water. Do not bleach. Drip dry. Do not iron.
“A friend suggested these, but decided not to go through with them. Now if ever I’m found unconscious on the sidewalk by a sumptuous brunette, she’ll know exactly what to do with me.”

Ah, Montreal… A place where you can find a sumptuous brunette to drip you dry just by lying unconscious on the sidewalk. I love French girls… Ah hell, French guys too — Dave didn’t specify a gender. [Edit: I ignore gender].

More On Eyeball Tattooing

Please don’t think that the title is a play on words.

John Blake (in the blue shirt) forwarded me some more pictures of himself, Cutthroat (red facial tattoos), and Josh (totally blue eye), who all have eyeball tattoo work by Howie (LunaCobra.net), along with Andrew S from Swingshift (last photo). Each experienced quite a bit of spreading after the injection.

Eyeball tattooing has got to be my favorite new mod… I don’t know if it’s got universal appeal (but who’d have thought tongue splitting, also decried as completely nuts, would take off like it did). My eye tattoo is now almost one year old (along with Josh and Pauly’s). Here’s some closeup photos of how it’s doing.

As you may recall, it had some problems with a cyst-type structure developing (which was examined by eye injury specialists and ultrasounded, with no complications other than the obvious being found). While it definitely made me nervous for quite some time, it appears to be stable at this point. I’m definitely looking forward to continuing this work, and I’m always thrilled to see more of these admittedly gnarly, mutated-looking zombie-like eye experiments!

Previous entries on eyeball tattooing on ModBlog and eyeball tattooing on my blog.

Madre’s Day

Lindsay loves drinking her mummy!

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DivX download link for BME members: Extreme2 or Full members

Mum = Alice.

Artist = Alana Robbie.

Kerouac Text Tattoo

Alyssa got this large text tattoo of a Kerouac quote (from “On The Road“), done by Kim Durham at Prix Body Adornment in Hollywood, CA.

The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones that never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes “Awww!”

See more in Lettering Tattoos (Tattoos)