Lil’ Bro

People always seem to like when I post pictures of modified folk and kids, so here’s Wild Skin from Buenos Aires, Argentina with his little brother. Part of me thinks the reason people like these pictures so much is that a lot of us have experienced serious damage and trauma to our family lives due to our body modification decisions, so we feel really happy to see families that prosper nonetheless?

4 thoughts on “Lil’ Bro

  1. True true..
    I used to work with kids for a long time. Before and through that period my modifications grew together with them, and they mostly loved it! (Which felt good for me too of course) And my employers & parents respected me for who I was. I have (like many) experienced that you dont need mods to be looked at wrongfully,so I thank all who “made me” the way I am today, and to the rest of you: follow your hearts, creativity and free spirits!
    The world needs us! 🙂

  2. I really do appreciate it when a family photos is posted on here. It gives me the hope I need to believe I can have children who won’t think badly of me…who will be brought up in a more noble and accepting world. One can merely hope to bring about the change they so desire.


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