I Walk Around Somehow

I have nothing to say about this picture, because I am dead. I am dead, and this picture killed me. I’ll let the new father take it from here:

Grahm Brian Clemmer, born 1:51 a.m., March 17, 2009. This was right after delivery. I got this tattoo well before my son was born. I wanted him to know that I would always be there for him.

(Tattoo by Heath Rave at Captive Elements in Blaine, Minnesota.)

See more in Hand Tattoos (Tattoos)

19 thoughts on “I Walk Around Somehow

  1. aww this is so adorable :] plus march 17 is pretty nice day to have your birthday, my birthday is on that day as well.
    aaand the baby looks really cute, especially for the fact that the picture was taken right after delivery. babies usually look kinda gross and alien-like…

  2. Everything about this photo is perfection, the tattoo the baby, the child’s hand gripping onto the fathers, it’s perfection.

  3. What a lovely picture; my wicked crusty old heart just melted. I love the way that beautiful innocent child is holding on to his father’s rather nicely tattooed hand. Makes me wish I’d been a father, or a child with a dad like that!!!

  4. not enough mods or extreme enough. why is this on modblog……… *sarcasm*.

    i love seeing kids around mods or answering their questions. they always are curious and questioning.

  5. I got goose bumps..
    So sweet, love that their holding hands (of fingers so to say) with the message on the tattoo..

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