Continue reading to see how fun a giant frenum piercing can be.
Continue reading to see how fun a giant frenum piercing can be.
J2, a BMX rider that was paralyzed after a spinal accident, has continued to represent the sport with tattoos since his injury. A catalog of his tattoos after swapping out his bike for an electric wheelchair, deeply intertwined with his life experiences:
The tattoos were done by Miles Maniaci at Deluxe Tattoo in Chicago, IL.
Iguana Mike‘s implants survived his recent legal altercations, and seem to be doing quite well at two years of age (initially done by Shawn O’Hare at Fillmore Tattoo and Piercing in California). I have to admit that giant star implant in his forehead is really visually overpowering and I’ll bet is a little disconcerting in person as it’s so big!
Bruna in Brazil wanted “something new”, so Max from Efeito’s Studio in Parana, Umuarama, Brazil did this variation on corset play piercing on her — they did nine rings to hold the balloons in a session reminiscent of a scene I posted back in 2006 also from Brazil.
Round plugs for stretched piercings evenly distribute pressure on all parts of a piercing. As much as they might look cool, non-round shapes — squares for example — place more pressure at the “points”, causing them to damage circulation or worse yet, actually cut into the tissue. Because tissue with reduced circulation loses feeling, this can happen without the wearer even being aware of it until it’s too late.
Nat found this out with her square plugs.
I can’t imagine this is going to be a trend or anything, but I’ve seen a few more eyelid piercings lately, in addition to the one from Bulgaria posted a few days ago, this reader in North Carolina describes this as their favorite piercing.
In Tennessee I think they’re a little more cautious, at least in this horizontal placement — basically just a surface piercing on the eyelid — by Darby at Great American Tattoo Company in Kingsport.
[Text justification goes here].
Someone remind me again why I’m spending my Sunday working?
By Troll at Synergy Body Arts in Idaho Falls, ID.
I was going to take the weekend off from posting here, but since people seemed to enjoy the idea of the hemangioma tattoo that I posted yesterday, let me add something in the same vein that I liked a lot as well. My friend Caglar, who tattoos at Tattoo Zone in Ankara, Turkey, had a customer come in that had surgery on his belly leaving him with a scar and several indentations — Caglar added a tattoo of a spider, with the legs stepping into the indents.