Enter the dragon

I know that most of my posts featuring Russians in the past few weeks have focused on suspension teams, so I thought it was high time to remind everyone that not only can the Russians do some awesome looking suspensions, their artists are also incredible.

Check out this dragon cover-up by Sergey Voinov from Extreme Art.

Want to see what it looked like before the cover-up?  Head on over to the fantasy tattoo gallery to check it out.

The Cover-up

The interesting thing about tattoo cover-ups is how the artist chooses to use the space that is being covered.  It also depends on what the client wants as well.  Ideally the end result will be that the original tattoo is no longer visible, and for the most part that happens.  But what about that transition period?  The time when the cover-up starts, to when it is finished.  For large pieces with multiple sessions, this period could last weeks, if not months.  While this is going on something unique is formed, a blending of the two tattoos, where the old and new combine to make something uniquely beautiful.

An perfect example of this beauty is Siren’s chest piece.  With just the black outline and some shading done on the new skull tattoo, the bright colors of the old can be seen through the lines, resulting in a stunning image of a piece of art in transition.