Stoker and his son:
Tag Archives: kids-and-animals
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Northern Thailand
From Geshem, a pair of young girls in northern Thailand with stretched lobes (and a kid in the background perhaps fantasizing about a facial tattoo!).
798 Ritual
This is OYY in Beijing, China, doing a suspension show. I really like this photo a lot; it’s one of my favorite suspension-related pictures! Anyway, enjoy today’s updates, I’m probably taking a break until Monday.
“A unique jewelry accessory”
A tiny little frog riding inside a 9/16″ lobe tunnel?
“Why puppies and piercings don’t mix!”
So… does this mean that puppies like lip piercings a lot, or really dislike them? (Photo: shutupwhore)
“Freaking out the family”
Jamin writes, ‘I love my gran like a finger through my 3/4″ septum.’
“Little Chicken”
I don’t know why Toadie titled this picture of her and Mimi “little chicken”. I assume that she can tell the difference between a chicken and a duck, so I’m thinking it must be the duck’s name. I say that because I can’t tell the difference between a duck and a goose, but that’s excusable I figure. Either that or it’s a hideously deformed chicken.
33 weeks, 4 days
You know, when I first started getting pierced and tattooed, it was very uncommon to meet parents and soon-to-be parents that were modified… These days though, as this community ages and grows, it seems more and more normal, to the point where it no longer seems even the slightest bit odd to see a heavily tattooed or otherwise augmented parent — in this case, Lonchura. I wonder how we’ll respond to our kids that rebel against us by trying to act ultra-normal?
PS. It’s her birthday on Sunday too if you want an excuse to say hello.
Gregor’s Assistant
I love this shot of Gregor Schwarzbach at Newjack Tattoo (Duisburg, Germany) working on 11‘s leg, with a little help from his young apprentice!
Baby Rat Jewelry
I have rats that live in my garage. I doubt many people think that’s cool. Jill on the other hand has a baby rat that lives in her 2″ lobes. That, I imagine, people will prefer to my garage rats. PS. Get Anatometal Bling plugs at BMEshop.