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What!!!! give me a break!

At A Glance
Author anonymous
Contact [email protected]
Ok before I begin my rant, I'm 16 years old. I'm been into piercing and body modification for two years. Since that time I have my septum pierced, my lip and my ears stretched. Now all this was done by reputable studios that are well known. Now a few things I have problems with. This morning I woke up...normal morning but different. I surfed the net, came to bme cause I love bme. Surfed through the net some more and came to this place that sells piercing kits! It even comes with a bullshit certificate that says your now a piercer. What the Fuck!! My god man. What has this society come to. Allowing people, well anyone buy this crap. Well use common sense for those who don't know how to pierce getting something like this, you will be just another asshole Fucking people up!! If it's on yourself no problem, then you fuck yourself up. But if you use this on others without proper knowledge you'll just be another loser hack wanting his so-called share, messing people up.

My friend called me today saying that she got her eyebrow pierced without parents permission at a place that opened up. I live in the united states and my friend she is 14!! She wants her septum, lip, bellybutton done and he said he will do them!! This guy is a hack! I went to the place. It wasn't even a shop! He was an herbal store. It had an upstairs. I went up there...This guy had no autoclave, he only used one pair of gloves through piercing. I saw with his permission, He did this guys tongue. He did it and it looked crooked as soon as he done it. The guy says "It might look crooked big time since your veins on your tongue are to big. And the way your mouth is made." The barbell was hitting his teeth and touching them! I was upset. all piercings should be done in a sterile field and done straight and right!

This guy didn't give a damn. he asked me what I wanted......I gave this monster a cold deep stare. I was shocked to see this hack working out of my hometown. He charges 25 dollars for a tongue. People run to him. This other shop I know, there piercer billy has been piercing for 9 years. I had work done by him with the permission of my parents. He did most of mine and there done perfectly, placement and all. He is helpful and he is sterile. People do not go to him cause he charges 55 for a tongue which is worth it and then some more! What the hell is wrong with these people, everyone now knows this guy at the herbal shop messes people up and still they go to him!! Cause of the price. These people shouldn't be into piercing. Piercing isn't about how much it is. To me its about an experience, a mental one and spiritual one. Most do it cause its trendy.

Then come come crying to Good quality piercers on how this guy messed them up. Well It serves them right! They deserved it! No offense but most of those people knew about this guy. My point is people like this piercer at the herbal shop doesn't deserve to pollute the planet with his stupidity. People that know he messes people up and still go to him..Well you deserve it and you know it. If you didn't know then its different. But when you know...You deserved it. Now to bme question archive. Shannon takes his time out to answer questions. There seem to be a lot of idiots! Like here I s a question someone asked "What jewelry is good for a tongue piercing?" Shannon said "Barbell" Now people wonder why Shannon gets ticked at people. Here's why!! Stupid questions that can be found if you get off your lazy ass and look!

Its not that hard!! Its not! Its called reading and finding! If you cant find the answer then asked. Until then look for it instead of wasting Shannon time on stupid questions. Shannon spends everyday giving you people good info and updates. because he loves it like the rest of us real piercees do. What does he get from some people like my friend Kerry? "Oh he is sick!" "Ban bme." "These people are sick on what they do." "This Shannon guy is a sick man who needs help." Well guess what to all you out there who think that, your jealous because you cant be yourselves like some of us. You can never have the balls to experience this. You never have the balls to change on how you fill from inside. you just walk along like sheep following others being like them.

Oh so bme is sick because everyone is expressing themselves on what they want to be? Well for you all who think that, I pity you. Well Thats it. Remember people Shannon busted his ass for bme. I think he at least deserves a thank you, Shannon thank you. For creating bme, without it Some of us would still be going to assholes who mess people up. Besides on another point. All you people out there stop judgng unless you meet a modified person. Like this guy in chat people call him cork. I showed my friend a pic of him on bme. She said he must be a mean person, probably a thief and he probably abuses kid! She said the same thing about Blair . I never been to Blair for a piercing but met him a few times. He is the nicest person I talked to. Cork is also a very nice person to talk to. So before you jump the gun to judge just talk to one of these people for a minute. By the way I didnt write this to get a membership but to express my opinion on these subjects.

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