Why I didn't. Why I just did.

At A Glance
Author anonymous
Contact [email protected]
Artist Myself.
Studio various
When I was 14 I went and got my ear pierced. I made sure to get my left ear pierced as people were already convinced and letting me know that they thought I was gay. I pierced my ear 2 more times, once myself, half as an accident that started with me just poking my ear with a safety pin to see if it hurt. Before I knew it my ear was pierced. Then I had the upper part done on the encouragement of my girlfriend at the time. I took them out when I was 17 because the football team started getting their ears pierced. At 21 I drew some tattoos and went and got them put on my body with the girl that I thought would marry me. I am here now writing this article only because there are a few people who's pages I find incredibly interesting on this site. Beyond that I think that people are either moronically obsessed with attempting to validate themselves by plastering their breasts all over their page in the vain hopes that some porn obsessed, multiply pierced, hardcore listening hick will come along and tell them that they are sexy. Or, that same porn obsessed 15-79 year old will put a picture of their multiply pierced penis on his page in the vain hopes that some suicidal, Kerouac reading, glitter having bung bag will offer to suck it. Fat chance that either of them find what they want, but they will eventually find each other and meter out their average Limp Bizkit lives together, possibly living in Revere.

As for the other things that exist here, such as the torture and hanging and subincisions and trepaneaums and all the other things that I don't know how to spell, pronounce or what the heck they mean. Congratulations. You have convinced me that you really are who you say you are. I don't think that people would drill holes in their skull or hang themselves on hooks to appear scary to the rest of the world. I am convinced that you are exactly what you say you are, as different from the way I live my life as what you do may be.

Its not the self mutilation that disturbs me, because I can pass that off as your own world that does not disrupt mine. What does is the obsession with clown tattoos and fake tits and professional wrestling and even all the emo and punk kids that think they are so in touch with themselves and are so diverse because they pick up a pair of hornrimmed glasses in their second year of college. Dorks are not made of self, nor are intellects nor are the truthful vengeful godsent humanitarian warriors, they are born and mocked from day one and cannot hide behind glasses, nor courier bag, nor fixed gear bike, nor Umass anywhere education.

It is interesting that at certain periods in history, one can easily identify the true fringe walkers, the truly ostracized. Things like piercings are easily shed or disguised, even tattoos. And they are easy to defend in argument against those who are so selfrighteously convicted that they would challenge, superficially at least, anothers life decisions. It is things like religion, skin color, personality that are not easy to disguise. It is so a part of our time period to attempt to appear as an underdog or an outcast. I hear jews, born to their religion, but not tied to its beliefs, make frequent mention of their heritage to prove that they have had some sort of hard life, meanwhile they mix their milk and meat and what's worse they rely on someone else's suffering as a mark of their own bravery yet use words like pussy and faggot and see not the contradiction. The same for blacks. I've even heard Americans of distant Irish descent claim justification in jokes about the slavery of other races because at one point their ancestors suffered prejudice. And so the generations of today pierce and tattoo themselves as an attempt to say I am different, meanwhile they slam to Limp Bizkit with one million other teenage wastes of flesh.

This is propaganda. This is an attempt to see if those that mark their bodies might have thoughts behind what they lay on flesh. Do you truly contradict preconception or do you youselves decieve only to lay the words of the past on those whose mannerisms differ from what you think it is to walk with a dick or a set of tits? Or does the one beg for the others abuse and does the other dole it out just like the world dared them to? Are you who you say you are?

I will die happy with my tattoos.

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