Young Modders

At A Glance
Author JNK
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As a person I am into Body Modification. I been coming to BME For some time now. I am also seventeen and my eighteenth birthday approaches here very soon. I notice throughout the span of getting my Mods, me and my fellow young associates are sometimes degraded for the "Good" of our own safety. I remember when I first came to BME and showed my interest for tongue splitting on the old piercing BBS BME used to have. Some people jumped on me like a pack wolves, relentless because they just assumed I was not educated on the subject and assumed I was wanting it then and there. Which in reality I was going to do the smart move and wait, study more, learn methods, what works best and so forth.

But because of the assumption, I was deemed an "Irresponsible child". Not everyone my age and younger deserves this treatment. I am a human and feel things differently then you may perceive on how I feel things. I have a goal in mind, I will accomplish it. My modifications are not random. I mean sure at first a simple piercing opened my eyes unto the new world, the new way. The puzzle was fitted with pieces and I saw things that I desired deeply. It changed me. I was born for this, I believe. I was born to see that My Body, My flesh was incomplete as it stands. I realized this at a very young age. I mean I was not thinking of Body Piercing, Dermal Punching. But I had a few things I believed what was supposed to be. This lead me to realize the change that my body needed to evolve into, what I was supposed to be, was far more then I had comprehended. I realized this later.

One of the biggest changes in my life was Dermal Punching my conches. They're not perfect, matter of fact one has a small keloid on it in the back which cannot be noticed. But this does not bother me because this was something that meant so much to me, it was beyond aesthetic pleasures. It was something much more, something That I needed. Perfect or not....I needed these. I need a few other things to complete my journey. Each time I complete something I need, I fill more pure. More like myself. My inner self is matching my flesh. I am becoming what I am supposed to be.

Now this brings me to what I was saying earlier there are people my age and younger who want Body Modification. I mean were all not in-mature. Actually we can be just as mature as the reputable piercer and more mature then the adult getting his/her Tongue Split after 1 month worth of thought. I speak to one on iam, I find him Very mature. I mean I personally believe he could handle something like a Tongue Split and never regret it, this is for many reasons. He has a very strong and spiritual connection. But that is not it, He shows me something much more, He reads up on it. It isn't 1 month, 6 months, it is year, years! Being that it is and his way of knowledge, It lead me to make a bold statement such as that.

He is patient, observant. I see others like this and then I see some who are not. I mean I want my Tongue Split But I been reading up on it since I was 15! I mean I see some adults just jumping into this. I urge everyone considering ANYTHING that is this surgical to put thought into it and so forth. Same goes for Dermal punching, Pseudo surgical procedures and so forth. I mean for Dermal Punching Read what you can up on it, study it, speak to people and when you have learned all you could. Plan it out, look at best jewelry options and so forth. Check every little thing before going through with it. Then wait alittle to see if you want to dedicate yourself to it this much.

I see some people my age and younger doing this, Some want Surgical procedures but have decided to wait and learn. Study it, see what works best. But still When someone has studied a modification such as Tongue Splitting for many years. Some people feel it so much, they take it upon themselves to do it and I will not say I disagree. I will say please take caution and realize it could have bad results. But I understand if someone who feels it to a point where it is so deep and means so much they decide to take it upon themselves. I mean this isn't after months of reading up on, but years. Some People my age and around there already have goals in mind, already have Modifications like stretched ears at 7/8, half inch, then other piercings as an example. Some do not have as much but show alot of intellect and so forth about Body Modification.

More so then some people around. Does that mean a 17 old girl lets say, Has been into modification for a long time. Has modifications that are considered permanent like stretch ears at 7/8, 10 gauge labret, 6 gauge septum and a 4 gauge tongue piercing. She has been reading up and studying tongue splitting for more then a year and a half. Does that mean she cannot get it done after all of that? But I see an 18 year old after a month of thought get it. Not only that but some adults would jump down her throat, not all but some. I just want adults, some of them who do this to realize I am like you, some of us who are responsible are like you. We may or may not share the same goals, feelings and such. But we all have an equal goal of getting modified. But before you want to judge someone, take a look back and look at yourself and understand just because the kid down the street is irresponsible does not give you the right to pass judgment on another because of their age.

I mean some of us are spiritual, some of us read and study upon subjects. Some of us are responsible enough for a tongue split, some are not, but some are. Same can be said for adults. Just remember that before you jump the gun on a person underage asking about tongue splitting or any other procedure. Doesn't mean they want it but means they are interested in it. Some want it, out of the ones that want it, some of them are responsible enough just as any adult on here to have it and care for it. My age.....Its just a number. I am speaking mostly for 15-17 year old here. But I know 14 year olds who are just as responsible and I know some who are not. The responsible ones always wait and study. For that they deserve to have it, but being the way they are...they prefer to wait. Some hit an age of 17 like I and realize they are ready for this now. They do it themselves and are degraded by some. But if they did it when they're 18 with 2 months of thought no one really cares....

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