Aren't You A Little Old?
At A Glance
Author Morg
Contact [email protected]
When It just happened
Artist James
Studio 252 Tattoo
Location Columbia Station, OH
I was just working. Most of us do, right? It's not an easy job,but it pays well, and I'm left alone most of the time.

But then I was asked that question. "Aren't you a little old?"

" Old for what?" I ask. I've been doing my own thing since I was 17, and I'm 34 now. 13 tattoos and some heavy gauge piercing's later, we still have me, just more. I've been being me for so long now, that I don't notice when people stare anymore. So the question, out of the blue like that, through me off.

" Too old. " said the store owner. " To look that way."

" What should I look like, then?" I asked back. I wasn't offended. I saw she was being both funny and curious. And I was curious too. What do people want from stranger than strangers these days?

" The tattoos, and jewelry. " Jewelry? " What I mean is, why do it at your age?"

Ah. She wanted me to justify myself for who I am. This, I am familiar with. There are very few people out there that stay into a scene for a long time. If you think I'm kidding, go open a window and look around. Most of those clones out there used to be original thinkers too, but were dragged into the system. So when one of us slips through it and remains who we are, it makes people wonder. And now there are legions of us. The age at some "all ages" shows is getting a wider meaning. Still, the question remains.

Am I too old for this?

It's also not to say I haven't had this thought myself. Ok, I tell myself, you've out weirded most people you know. You have nothing to prove, so why go on? You have kids, what will their playmates think? Is it time to hang up all that we are and try to * wince * fit in? Become a part of a society that boasts intolerance for individualism? Granted, there have been changes for the better. At least you don't get burned at the stake for being unique. But most people's ideals on being unique comes from whatever MTV tells them to be. No originality. Did I want to be this? Or are my ideals out of date? From an age when people, to be different, just had to have 1 piercing and a haircut. To express one's self through body art was to commit yourself to absolute banishment from everything, back in the day.

Am I too old?

But I considered her question in the space of time it takes to draw breath. And gave her an answer that I gave myself, and everyone else. One that I live with comfortably.

"I do it cause this is who I am. That's all there is. Much like you look the way you do. Ask yourself why you dress that way. If you answer, ' because everyone else does,' I think you need to re-examine who you are. You, or everyone else."

I could see my words had an effect on her. She seemed to give that last part some SERIOUS thought. Which was good, I think. It was just the sort of wake up call she needed. Where she went with it is her own business. Maybe no where. Maybe she'd open herself up to new ideas, expressions. She could be her own person. I mean, what was to stop her? Maybe, when she was younger in mind, she thought about how her life was going to turn out, and this wasn't it. Maybe I reminded her of what being truly free meant. And maybe she thought, if only for an instant, that she could do it too.

Or maybe she asked herself what she just ask me. Am I too old?

Does a person ever get to old for being who they are? When you see a person that's not young but still does their own thing, those of you who are younger, what do you think of us? Do you think, ' what a freak? why is he/she dressing like that? Like us? ' or do think smile, nod and think, ' good. one more for us. ' If you think convincing your Mom and Dad that being tattooed is ok, or piercing are a form of free expression and they're giving you a hard time now, then wait till you've gotten older. Not a few years, but 10, or 15. Hell, 30, for that matter. Being unique takes constant upkeep. And people will forever question who you are. Will I still be this way in another 40 years? ( I should live so long )Of course. What else is there?

Will you?

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