Judged And Reviewed Like You're A Movie And Not A Person
At A Glance
Author *t*e*e*n*a*n*g*s*t*
Contact *t*e*e*n*a*n*g*s*t*@bme.anon
When It just happened
Artist Zoe.
Studio Can't remember.
Location London.
Okay. So I'd just like to say my views and personal experiences on how modified people, like myself, get treated and how other people perceive "us". This is not a rant or an excuse for me to bitch and belittle "normal" people or any other type of people for that matter.

So. Here I am. A teenage girl with 14 piercings and soon to be first tattoo. A young girl who's been dying her hair every colour of the rainbow since she was 11. A teenager who religiously listens to all forms of metal, rock and punk. Plus a bit of old soul to add to that. Yep, that's me. Little odd Carly. The "weird one with holes in her face and body".

Y'see, this is my lifestyle. The lifestyle I choose to live. But at what costs? Does me having non-traditional piercings and multi-coloured hair mean I'm not as well off as most people out there? Well it seems so. For you see, when a non-uniform rule was introduced at my school, I had the chance to express myself more through clothes and make-up aswell as my usual piercings. And people seemed angry and pissed off with this. First day of non-uniform, and I can recall getting called a "vampire" and "evil satan worshipper" more than 25 times each (I am neither of each by the way). I was also called a trouble maker, yet I'm quiet and polite, I don't even drink (alcohol), do drugs or smoke - though people who do are not potential trouble makers, of course. I had abuse hurled at me when school I.D pictures were taken, though no one else did. I had teachers just staring at me in disgust like I was something out of Space or some convicted pervert. But I am far from it, I can assure you! I'm the quiet "boffin" who gets on with her work and respects her fellow students and teachers. I treat people how I'd like them to treat me. Though I hardly get that in return.

Now don't get me wrong, I understand if I take drastic measures to 'express myself' I should expect a mixed reaction from people, but this is what I choose to do, just like how someone chooses to wear their best pair of shoes one day or their favourite pair of designer jeans the next day, but no one bats an eyelid at them. I've also noticed how teachers seem to favour and 'get along' with these people more than myself, yet they are trouble makers, people who always get detentions, people who disrespect everyone who crosses them, even the nice people like me. I had one teacher (who I disliked ever since I've met him) who said to my friend 'where's that freak friend of your's? The prat who has holes in her face?' - little did he know, I was outside the door. I walked in and he showed no remorse for what he had just said about me, he just smirked and said 'oh. There she is'. I've never said or done anything wrong to him, I mean I don't exactly like him (understatement), but I d aren't bitch about him behind his back, because I'm not wasting my time talking about losers like him. And everytime he sees me he says 'why would you want to put holes in your face? It's stupid'. I try to explain to him I got them done for myself (which I shall later explain) but he laughs and dismisses everything I say. I've no time for idiots like him anyways. Can't wait 'til he leaves...

Anyways, going on to my explaination of why I got my modifications; I fell ill when I was 10. Almost died twice. Went through much medication, appointments to see several "shrinks" and what not. Was even told I may not be able to have children, and all at the age of 10. Four years later, I was getting better. And seeing as I've always been interested in body mods, I thought 'life's too short. Do what you WANT to do and do it for YOURSELF' and that's what I did. Though only 14, I started with getting my navel pierced. I already had 6 lobe piercings beforehand. And with time, I had seven more piercings done (3 x lip, 1 x eyebrow, 2 x nostril, 1 x tragus plus the navel and lobe piercings). I had also experimented with wacky make-up and crazy hair colours. I finally felt like I was living. And it felt and still feels great. And I've never regretted a single piercing I've got, no matter what comments get thrown at me (such as 'you'll never get a job looking like that').

Actually, moving onto the jobs thing. With my school I have to do work experience, which I'll be doing on the 15th of September 2003. And I hope when I go for my interview with the manager that he'll look at my potential and not the "holes on my face". Though they come as a package with me, that's not what my job position is about. And I pray when I'm older and go for a proper job, I won't be turned away because of my choices and beliefs.

So let's hope people, no matter how they look, but the way they are on the inside will help a person decide how and what they think of you. Good day, Carly.

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