Just like everyone else
At A Glance
Author Toasty
Contact [email protected]
When N/A
Today's world is fickle, indecisive and unfair at times. At times it's open to everything, everyone, regardless of who they are and what they have done. Other times it slams the door in your face if you're something lower than "normal". Discrimination in today's world is both growing and shrinking at the same time, and both at an accelerated rate. How is this you ask? How can it be getting better and worse at the same time? It is possible to let it flourish because of the stereotypes that exist in today's society and then shrink it with places like this, where anyone can be and is accepted, regardless.

I think this is a huge issue, and it is because of the fact that so many people are ignorant to the fact of how the world works, or should work. Ignorance to why exactly we get piercings or tattoos or branding's or any of the other various things that people do to their bodies. Someone with multiple piercings on their face might have not done it to be just rebellious, but maybe they did it to make themselves feel attractive, or to feel some kind of spiritual connection. But un-modded people assume and judge, causing discrimination and stereotypes. And it just keeps looping over on itself, growing and growing.

Then you come to BME and see all the wonderful things offered here, and wonder why there are not people like Shannon living next door to you to offer up advice. Where the "real" world has failed us modded ones, BME has opened a new door of understanding and acceptation. This is the new Mecca of body modification, where people come to learn and experience, and even some change their lives. Within this web browser is information on almost any modification you would ever want to know about, and because of this, some stereotypes are shrinking, and discrimination isn't tolerated among the staff of BME. But, not everyone knows about this website, and some look other places for their information, and thus, BME cannot, unfortunately, help everyone.

But, where are all the people who encourage, who accept? Where is everyone that lets you be who you want to be, and not feed into the typical stereotype? What I don't understand is where is everyone who wants to change this world? Sometimes it feels like I'm one of the only ones who wants to changes this, but then I remind myself that there has to be others. We need to get together, make a plan, do something, anything. Education is really the key though. Education is what we, us, all of us need to use to stop discrimination.

This isn't just about education, ignorance, discrimination, and stereotypes, but about the people behind it all, the good and the bad. I'm sure everyone has heard it all before, but really folks, why isn't anything being done about it, why haven't we joined together to change the world for the better. We are NOT different other than the fact of some ink or a piece of metal, so why should we be treated like it. Why should we be treated like we are another species? We are NO different. I believe that body art is exactly that. Art. Beautiful. Meaningful. We need to change the viewpoint. Change it so that the modded community is seen as what kind of person we are, not just the category that our modifications shove us in. All stereotypes need to end. Education is the cornerstone to it all. Everyone just needs to take the time and learn.

Just an after note..

I wrote this because of the discrimination I get everyday in my school and in my working environment. I am a senior in high school in a class of 50 students. I am the most heavily modded, though I have no tattoos and will not have any until spring. I am put into a stereotype of a rebel and an "outcast" everyday of my life. They say that I don't really fit in anywhere. I am the kind of person who listens to any kind of music I want, and I am in the top 10 of my class and I do Tae Bo every day. I have an after school job, and I do volunteer work. I am going to college for psychology and American Sign Language next year and I have the full support and love of anything I do from my mother. I am who I am, and no one else. I will not change, and I love myself, and I believe that that is all that matters. I think stereotypes are very damaging to everyone who has been shoved into one, especially if that person doesn't know how to cope with it. This is why I am a firm beli ever in educating everyone, not just of the stereotypes of the modded world, but every kind of stereotype there is. Ignorance is not an excuse for discrimination.

Thanks for listening to my ranting ;)

Yours with love,


"I definitely agree with what you're saying, and feel where you're coming from on it, but... editorials/commentaries in BME/News have to have a little more substance. In addition to letting people know what you (and many readers) are going through, try and let them know what you do about it and how it helps, or what they can do to make things better."

Disclaimer: The experience above was submitted by a BME reader and has not
been edited. We can not guarantee that the experience is accurate, truthful,
or contains valid or even safe advice. We strongly urge you to use BME and
other resources to educate yourself so you can make safe informed decisions.

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