Reflecting on this country.
At A Glance
Author neutiquam-erro
Contact [email protected]
IAM neutiquam-erro
When It just happened
These days all I've seen around me living in this country is a government taking away civil rights under the guise of "protection and safety". Now coming from another country when I was 8 has allowed me to see what has been happening to America from a different perspective than others and I can't help but feel the suffering these next decades will contain unless something is done about it. I'm also frustrated that people are not taking action against what is happening, against their civil rights being slowly (much now at a quicker pace) taken away.

This frustration isn't just about the people. I read just about everything available to me about the war, new bills being passed, and other big decisions being made. Looking back a year ago, I didn't have any of these concerns, but the times have changed and I feel this country is going to step into a very political time.

As most people of my generation, we grew up in America knowing who the President was, the V.P. and only a few other names. We weren't very politically conscience nor did we really think there was much to worry about with the direction our government was in. It is hard to fathom of what the children of this decade will experience. I myself grew up very care-free and not needing to worry about terrorists, government conspiracy and the whole lot of ill-made decisions that litter society presently.

This may be thought of as just a teenage rant, or something of that nature, but I have experienced war first hand and ever since then I have not been the same. Seeing things like the Patriot Act, which is a clear contradiction to the civil rights we were given by century old documents and the latest crack down on the porn industry. Such things have me worried about the direction things will take.

Now going to back to my time with war. I was in the Army Reserve for 2 years. (I'm now inactive and fulfilled my duties, and yes it was for the college money.) I had enlisted August 2001, and as luck would have it, the attacks on 9/11 came. Sooner than I could realize, I would be graduating high school, attempting going to college and trying to juggle active duty in Lodi, Fort Monmouth and Edison. It didn't work and I nearly failed all my courses having to help with troop deployments from November 2002 until March 2003. Then once there wasn't as many people being rushed off to fight, I was given 2 months of rest before being shipped to Iraq myself.

I spent 3 months in Iraq doing surveillance, going into cities prior to any convoys. I mostly got more details on the schematics of the cities that were sketchy on aerial shots and looked for good sniper positions among other things. I spent most of my time around An Nasiriyah, some distance from the Tigris River. A lot of soldiers died, and it was usually through decisions made by some old man working with some protocol intended for use in the jungles of Vietnam.

Once my 3 months of duty were up (yes 3 months, the severity and danger of my work warranted me only having to go this short amount of time, than the usually 6), I came back nearly insane, having seen things I still can't explain and coming home to a broken shell of a country. It was like seeing the American government for what it really is, an oil dominating, New World Order loving, imperialistic determination. I couldn't help but feel any other way. My time overseas showed me what this bastard government really intend to do and if things aren't prevented, history will repeat itself.

I hope I'm not rambling, but right now I feel like there is no action being taken. People are just walking around saying, "Oh it doesn't affect me. Why should I care?" I say to them, don't worry, they'll get to you. They'll take away something that does affect you and then you'll realize it's too late, that this government is out for something other than "protection and safety of the American people".

I'm young and want to take action, but I don't know how. I've written to Washington numerous times and it seems hopeless. Appealing to friends and family to take action seems hopeless too. Right now, it seems that we will realize what is happening to this country and to the world when it is to late. It will be too late when we are constantly monitored, must look a certain way and act to a set of standards designed by power hungry imperials. I don't want this to happen, no one should and knowing there is an ability in myself and the public to change it, just makes me ask, "What are we waiting for?"

I don't want things to get out of the hand, the past shouldn't repeat itself. It could lead to a war greater and much more horrible than World War II or anything we could imagine. I hope some of you from my generation share my opinion and want to do something and take action against what the government is doing. I hope many more of you outside of my generation, those who went through Vietnam and such want to put an end to this. When I joined the Army, and when I went to Iraq, it was to go "get the bad guys". Well seeing what the government has done and is continuing to do, I think it's time for myself and all other American citizens to go "get the bad guys".

Thank you for reading and thank you BME for being an outlet for my opinions.

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