At A Glance
Author Liz
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When N/A
"I want to blow my lunch" those are the words of a supposedly enlightened woman at the sight of an extended earlobe or nose ring?

I've given a lot of thought to BME's article detailing Debra Darvick's column in Newsweek concerning her disdain for the unfortunate piercees who have had the bad luck to run into her. I've been on a slow boil ever since.

As an author, a parent and an educated woman, I would think Darvick has more pressing issues to be troubled about. I guess I was wrong. What a sheltered life she leads!

Ms. "Perfect" made it quite clear that she prefers to have her lattes served to her by people with no visible markings. Does this desire for perfection and conformity also include those unfortunate few with birth defects or those who live with the ravages of trauma or disease?

I have a disease called Systemic Scleroderma- it is an autoimmune disease where the immune system goes haywire. For unknown reasons the body suddenly cannot distinguish between self and "foreign" attack. It goes on the defensive, prompting the production of excess amounts of collagen {scar tissue}. The collagen builds up causing a multitude of disastrous, debilitating effects on the body. They can include and are not limited to, shiny hard skin, lung destruction, renal failure and systemic damage throughout the body.

Unfortunately, it often includes facial disfigurement and deformities of the hands and joints. I have had this horrific disease for nearly seven years. I have shiny hard skin, my eyebrows are gone and my lips are thin, colorless lines. I am often stared at by ignorant people like Ms. Darvick.

And this broad thinks a little ink or several perforations is too much to handle? Come on!!

I am still the warm, kind thoughtful person I was before Scleroderma, I have much to add to this life. If someone does not like my appearance then that is their problem. (And they can stick it)

How dare Darvick judge people? Even though these very people wait on her with a smile and a "have a nice day" she is sickened to the point of nausea. Gee, that kind of describes my reaction after reading her column.

I'm curious if Darvick would prefer to have an unmodified person serve her regardless of their disposition. Yeah, there's an idea! How about a smooth-faced employee who grumbles and snaps their gum while rolling their eyes at her request for a morning beverage? Maybe the fact that they sport no mods would make up for the fact that they're lazy, rude and incompetent....

What kind of world does she live in?

Maybe I should ask her if she'd care to see my piercings, both of my nipples, a horizontal hood and two CBR's in my right outer labia. I'm curious which would offend her more, my piercings or my deformities.

I am a 46 year-old wife and mother who finds piercings beautiful. I'm blessed with a husband who sees beyond my scars. He loves the added metal.

The bottom line is that I've never felt so sexy and desirable despite my disease and all that it has taken from me. And it has taken plenty. My only regret is waiting so long to get my piercings done.

After reading Ms D bigoted remarks I know I am a better mother/person than she is. I've taught my children that people have different ideas of what is beautiful ("Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"} and what they enjoy might not be what someone else finds attractive.

I don't judge people by the way they look, I never did and I would never jeopardize a person's job because of their appearance. In my opinion, that's where Darvick crosses the line. If she doesn't like piercings- FINE, don't get any but when you intentionally try and hurt someone else because they are pierced then you are NOT a nice person- no matter what you tell yourself.

But that is the beauty of America. We can look any way we damn well please.

By the way, I noticed that there is no mention of a "Mr." Darvick; maybe one morning he looked around and didn't like what he saw. Perhaps he felt a shudder and the urge to blow lunch. One must always be wary of how one treat others because in this life, karma has a funny way of coming back and biting you in the ass.

So, Ms. Perfect, um, I mean, Ms. Darvick, if you want coffee stay home and make it. If it is books you seek or any other commodity, you are just going to have to develop some thick skin, grow up and try to cope. You'll be fine, we don't bite. You will be fine {keep saying it, Debra} you will be fine~ I promise.

Liz Lombard

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