"I love you, but…" - A Letter To My Piercings
At A Glance
Author Michelle D.
Contact Michelle [email protected]
IAM Flutterfly
When N/A

Dear Piercings,

That's right, I'm addressing each and every one of you – ear lobes, rook, tragus, snug, conch, anti-tragus, logarth, navel, nostril – listen up. Retired ones – nipple, helix, logarth - this is for you too.

I love you, but I didn't always think that I would feel this way. Before I acquired each of you I went through quite a lengthy process. First I had to do research into body modification and learn as much as possible. I needed to hear the pros and the cons of certain piercings, all of the 'Dos' and 'Do Nots', and so on.

Each time I got the infamous piercing itch I faced a dilemma - choosing which of you I would like to acquire next... should I get another ear cartilage piercing? Or go for something different, one that my friends and family were less likely to predict, when they heard that I got another piercing? Eventually I decided which one of you would be next, but when I had to determine when it would be the best opportunity to get you. Tomorrow? Next week? In the summer? Okay, so once I set a date I had to decide which studio I'd get pierced at and by whom. That means choosing a reputable piercer and piercing studio. First there was Rebecca at Real Tattoos by Zap, in Owen Sound. Then there was Deacon and Chad at the same studio. Eventually I became a city girl and had numerous adventures at New Tribe, Exotix and Passage in Toronto with RJ/Jon, Six and Joanne as my piercers, respectively.

I love you, piercings, but some of you sure hurt. Of course I firmly believe that if someone is extremely worried about the pain, then maybe they should reconsider getting a piercing. I never really worried about the pain. I handled it like a pro for the most part, but damn it, rook you hurt. Luckily you were done at the small town studio and there were no potential customers around to hear the vulgar words that left my mouth immediately following the needle entering one point of my rook and exiting the other.

Anti-tragus, I firmly believe that you are the spawn of Satan. I've never felt something so painful. Never in all of my piercing experiences have I flailed around on a piercing bed, spewing swear words with no end in sight, begging the piercer to hurry the hell up with the jewelry insertion. I can tell you, I sure hope I never relive that experience. I'd rather have my nipple pierced a million more times – surprisingly my experience with a nipple piercing was mild, compared to that of my anti-tragus. I wonder if my anti-tragus piercing nightmare is comparable to child birth. Probably not.

Piercings, I love you, but you can be a real bitch to heal. Some of you liked sea salt soaks, while others of you preferred Glycerin soap or the LITHA method. Why oh why does my body have such a bad immune system and take so long to heal? Navel, you were my first insight into the tedious healing time of piercings. 9 months it took for you to fully heal. Well, cartilage piercings, I suppose you are comparable. How long did it take you to heal? Oh yeah, years. Then there's the fact that you like to act up whenever I'm stressed out, sick, or just feel like it (you don't need to remind me that you are there). I'm sure that I appreciate dreaded piercing "bumps", icky crusties and tenderness as much as the next person. Please note my sarcasm, incase you missed it. Words of advice for my future piercings – heal promptly and stay that way, please. You and I will both be a lot happier.

Piercings I love you, but I love sleep also. Since I started getting pierced, I swear I've sacrificed my sleep. New piercings are red, tender and swollen and are definitely things to keep away from pillows due to pain (do you know how many times I've rolled over in the night only to be awoken suddenly!?) and because of bacteria potentially entering the open wound. Healed piercings, you don't appreciate pillows much either. In fact, you would rather that I stay awake 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Of course, I don't want to be a zombie. Luckily we were able to reach a half-assed compromise. I get to sleep a little, so long as I ensure that if I sleep on my side, my pillows are arranged precisely – forming an upside down 'V'. This way my head and neck are supported, but so there is a gap for my ear to hang through, thus eliminating the possibility of pressure being placed on my piercings... which, consequently, reduces my chances of awaking with a bitchy piercing, as explained above.

Piercings, I love you but sometimes the future is uncertain. My old helix, logarth and nipple piercing know what I'm talking about – sometimes we have to say goodbye to things we love. I had to say goodbye to a few of you. I'd like to make it known that I didn't allow you to leave me without a good fight. It took a trip to the ER and weeks of antibiotics for me to get the hint about the helix piercing. Mind you, I was young, stupid and learned my lesson. Piercing guns are evil. Logarth, I gave you up because you weren't happy with your placement and started migrating. I didn't have any more time to wait for you to get comfortable only to find out that you'd never be happy and would leave me with a large scar and a shallow piercing. Nipple piercing, well, it's a long story that I won't get into. This is a letter, not a novel. As I just said, the future is uncertain. Maybe I'll see some or all of you again sometime.

Piercings, regardless of the pain, the shit you've put me through, and so on, you are all worth the time and money that I've invested into you. I don't think I can put my reasons into words, but you mean a lot to me.

Oh yeah, and piercings, you may be getting another new friend soon. *Smirk*



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