Did It Hurt?
At A Glance
Author Becca Seraph
Contact Becca [email protected]
IAM Silhouettes
When N/A
As body piercings become more and more popular over time, maybe people have questions about them. I cannot count how many times someone has come up to me to check out my piercings and ask me questions. The question that everyone asks is, did it hurt?

I had no problem with answering questions that people asked me; I love to talk about my piercings. The problem came however when people kept asking me if certain piercings hurt more than others. I would always answer the question truthfully to everyone that asked and tell them which ones hurt and which ones did not.

It has begun to frustrate me how everyone will take my word for it and that am how the piercing will go. For an example, my friend asked me if it hurt me to get my nose pierced. I told them that it hurt a little, but it felt more like pressure than anything. They took my word for it and went and got their nose pierced. I have not heard the end of it since they got it pierced that I lied to them and it was the most painful thing they have every experienced.

When asked this question, I always add on to the end of my answer that pain typical varies from person to person. My pain factor will not necessarily be the same as someone else's. You have to take into account different factors like your pain tolerances, how the piercing is done, at what gauge it is done, if its sanitary, where you get it done at, and many other factors. Every piercing is different. I am not saying its not helpful to ask others what its like, because believe me it is. I have read many experiences about pain and many about no pain on each topic before getting my piercings done.

Every piercing is unique, no matter how hard you try to recreate the same atmosphere as someone else's piercing, because it is a different person and time there is no way to 100 percent make two experiences identical. That is why I do not understand why everyone thinks that when I tell them its not going to hurt they stop listening to me explaining how my pain tolerance is different than theirs, then they have the nerve to come up to me a few days later and call me a liar.

Now, not everyone is like this, but there is another group of people that drive me crazy. Mostly I get this from under people, especially my parents, they will ask, does that hurt? For an example, my mom keeps asking me every time she sees me, did it hurt to get that put in your wrist? Truthfully, to me I felt no pain when it was done. I was amazed at how simple, fast and pain free it was. I always tell my mother that it did not hurt; it was one of the least painful piercings. Every time I say that she starts screaming and saying it had to hurt and I am lying to her. Now, she is not the only one that has accused me of lying, but thankfully she is the only one that screamed at me. Seriously, why would I lie about whether something hurt or not? I see no point to lying.

Just because piercings hurt some people really bad, does not mean that they hurt me really bad. I had a girl come up to my mom at work and tell her that getting her tongue pierced was more painful than having a baby. When my mom found out I had my tongue pierced and I told her it was not all that painful, she thought I was lying because of what he coworker had said. This is where my point of everyone having a different pain tolerance came in, but my mom would not listen to me. She was so upset that I lied to her she would not talk to me until I admitted it hurt.

Not to often, but occasionally, especially to my mom, I have had to answer this question with a lie. I know that lying and simply saying it hurt, when it did not, would not cause a fight or argument. I try to be truthful when I can, but some people just want me to lie. I really do not understand someone asking me this question and expecting me to lie about it. If you are asking a question, are you not asking to get a real answer?

Like I said, I have no problem answering questions about my piercings, but I do have problems when I get judged for my answers. When people ask me if it hurts, I expect them to know its only my point of view and if they do not know this they listen while I explain how when it could be so simple for me it could be hard for them to bare through it.

I am not Superwomen; I am not immune to pain. I feel pain even though I have 20 piercings. My pain is just different than everyone else's and when people began to see this then maybe I could answer this question truthfully and maybe help someone decide if a piercing is right for them. I love answering questions, but only if you listen to the complete and truthful answer and take it for what it is.

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