I surfed into BME one evening following a trail that began in one of the alt...bodyart NGs. I spent a pleasant period browsing your open gallery, continually surprised not to be asked for my Credit Card number. Then I clicked on the 'extreme' link. Membership, it explained, is neccessary to keep out gawkers. 'Oh my God,' I thought, 'they mean me'. Suddenly I felt dirty.

You see, I'm not pierced - for all the reasons you've heard (and wearied of) a thousand times before. Mainly, I just don't think it would look good on me.

I'm fascinated though. The interface of metal and flesh has held me enthralled since a very early age. From the Cyborgs of the sci-fi epics of my youth to the themes if tribal art and images of impalement that reccur in so many of my favourite artists' works today. Images of piercing appeal to a part of myself which I am unable to explore in my 'real' life. Most of my social circle are academics and/or healers, who would probably regard any below-the-nose modification as 'a self- destructive manifestation of a deeply wounded spirit'. In some cases I agree with them (mutilations are not really my cup of tea). Also, I had long harboured the uncomfortable suspicion that many femenine erotic piercings were performed at the behest and for the benefit of Bad Men. The BME site has gone some way to assuage my fears that I might be one of those men.

Fantasy, of neccessity, forms the greater part of my erotic life (I missed out on a few crucial social skills during my formative years) but fantasy grows thin and must be fed. It was natural then, that I should find my way to BME, following a trail of flesh amd chrome, hungry for the adornment, enhancement and distortion of female flesh, palpable reinforcement of my imaginings. I find myself on an edge now. Understanding a little more, yet realising that, lacking something in my own life I was trying to borrow from yours.

Are you so averse to playing out a part, unknowing, in my fantasies? Either way, here I remain, my breath misting the glass at the furthest edge of your universe. If that makes me a gawker, then gawker I sadly am. I can live with it.

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