BME In Print

BME has been in the media a LOT since 1994, and lately has become a real media darling. Below are only a very small percentage of the places BME has been features. If you know of more, please let me know! ([email protected])

Tattoo Savage, #29
The Gargoyle, November 12, 1998
The Picture, November 11, 1998
Tattoo Savage, #24
Tattoo Savage, #25
Tattoo Savage, #27
????, 9-14
Piercing Bible
Stuff, April 2000
Fetish, No. 8
Friday, 10-1-270
GQ, April 2000
Details, August 1999
DS Magazine, April 1998
Fashion Theory, Vol 2, #1
Burst, January 1998
Complete Pierce & Tattoo Manual
CyberZone No. 2
Bubka, 1997-1-9
Biba, June 1998
Bizarre, Decmeber 1999
July 1998
Tattoo Savage
Science Frontiers (?)
On page 42, BME is mentioned as a good place to learn about genital piercing! Since I am writing for TATTOO SAVAGE, you should be seeing lots of BME there! About a year ago, BME was featured as a site on a show about the evolution of communication. Anyone that remembers the details, please let me know.
3/1998 (Germany)
"Tja, es sieht so aus, als kame man als Bodyart-Fan mit Internetzugang am BME nicht vorbei. Dann also nichts wie ran an den Rechner und sich selbst uberzeught, datz ich nicht zuveil versprochen habe."

My loose paraphrase: "It looks like as a body-art fan with Internet access, you can't pass up BME. Run to your computer and check for yourself, and you'll see that I've not lied to you."


"Now that piercing is passe and everybody has a tattoo, the next big thing is body modification (bodmod) and flesh-stretching..."
Philadelphia CityPaper The Gate Website of the Week BURST DEC. 1997
The CityPaper covered the Dickless In Babylon serial in their article, Portrait of the Artist as a Not-Very-Well-Hung Man. (You can read the full article by clicking on the CityPaper link above).
"[Kramer] also feels that Christ's alleged loss has left him with a 'sexual rage' that explains the extreme violence and gore that define his work."
"Notes Kramer, 'I know I'd be pissed off.'"
"God help you, you can't help but stare. It's just so damn sexy. So intimate, so deliciously taboo... at last you stumble -- gratefully, finally -- across BME. Here you are. This is good. Body Modification E-Zine. And you are rewarded, at last." (BURST, DECEMBER 1997)
NetGuide Review Lycos Top 5% of the Web excite review
"Here's a periodical about body modification--piercing, tattooing, body building, and the like. You'll primarily find photographs and hard information, with useful FAQs about branding, scarification, tattooing, lip-sewing, and other modifications that are even more obscure and possibly quite dangerous.
"The photographs are, of course, endlessly fascinating, and there are connections to other sites involving body-mod-obsessed folks. And there are a few reviews and interviews.
"The trendiness of body modification is some kind of strange commentary on the search for identity in our culture. Although BME is earnest in its advocacy, it never pierces through the chic, and when all is tattooed and done, the peculiarity of the popularization of body mod is barely explored."
"Content: 38/50
"Presentation: 37/50
"Experience: 41/50
"This 'zine is full of info about different types of body modification -- which means tattoos, body piercings, that sort of modification. The site comes complete with plenty of pictures that will either pique your interest or turn your stomach. Of course, there's plenty of info tattoos and body piercing, but due to the number of other related sites on the Web, the site concentrates on the unusual, like facial tattoos. Otherwise, it's a potpourri of body modifications, such as scars, brands, temporary body art, and beads, ah, where you wouldn't normally expect them to be. However, some of the more interesting pictures -- like the one about two people who had their teeth made into fangs -- really need explanatory text."
(four stars: "must see")
"If you believe the human body is a canvas for creating art, this ezine has plenty to offer. Piercing, branding, tatooing, surgery, stretching, and more. But the subjects are not treated delicately, and some may take offense."
WebCrawler (AOL review) ARC Sex and Sexuality Index WIRED 4.10US
"The Body Modification Ezine explores piercing, cutting, branding, tattooing, scarification, surgery, stretching, sewing, bodybuilding, corseting, and other aesthetic or ritual body modifications. Supplementing an array of links, articles, and interviews, BME offers a number of photographs documenting every conceivable bodily manipulation, as well as a look into the cultural, historical, and anthropological aspects of body art. BME is published and edited by Shannon Larratt of Toronto, Canada." (four stars)
"'Piercing, cutting, branding, tattooing, surgery, stretching, bodybuilding as art, trans- humanism, and any other aesthetically inspired body modifications.'
"A remarkable document. Text and pics in exhaustive yet instructive detail cover just about every form of decorative modification you can think of - depending, presumably on how often or eagerly you think along these lines. Many of the practices outlined are extremely dangerous and painful yet the zine takes pains (sorry) to point out the pitfalls and advises on 'post-operative' hygienic procedures. If you feel this is deeply alien territory, why not read dangerously for a moment? At the level of contemporary anthropology alone, it's an essential visit."
"Just Say Ouch."
"For those tired of looking at that same old reflection in the mirror every morning, the
Body Modification Ezine can help you pierce, tattoo, or brand your way to a whole new you. With it's in-depth descriptions of exciting procedures, Body Mod takes a penetrating look at how people have been customizing themselves for religious, cultural, and personal reasons for thousands of years. What's more, it's chock-full of testimonials, lists of recommended practitioners, and a piercing gallery that's not for the squeamish. Take a deep breath and aim your pointer at"
WIRED 4.02(?)UK Tattoo (#79) Tattoo. (#74, October 1995)
"Yes. It hurts. That answers that question. The issue of motivation is much more complex... Shannon Larratt's Body Modification Ezine states that a human being is a seed, 'unafraid to destroy itself in growing into a tree,' and backs it up with photos of people who have damaged themselves in the most astonishing, disturbing, and downright deranged ways.
"Genitalia, tongue web, and uvula, are on the new frontier for ultra piercers. But mere body piercing is veritably mundane for the new breed of body artists experimenting with scarification and tooth extensions. All are featured here, illustrated ad nauseum by grisly before, during, and after photos. That's correct: during. You can even see the smoke. Brr...these guys are way down where the buses don't run."
[Guess it was too much for them...]
"We've reviewed the Body Modification Ezine before but so many changes have since been made at BME that it really deserves another mention. The site has expanded enormously and now includes articles and pictures on tattoo history and culture, tattoo books and tips for getting a safe and sanitary tattoo or piercing. The links on this page are constantly updated, making this the best place to go to see who in the tattoo world has just launched into cyberspace. If you only have time to visit one tattoo site, make it BME..." "'s a great jumping off place to begin your web crawl."
the Net #3, August 1995 NetGuide, August 1995 Skin&Ink, January 1996
"Piercing, cutting, branding, tattooing, surgery, stretching, and other aesthetic body modifications. That saus it all... almost. There is so much information here it's hard to pick a starting point, not to mention that it's laced with super-cool graphics and it's well organized. This is everything an ezine should be."
"The images in Body Modification will keep you on pins and needles."
"We read about something called a 'Prince Albert' -- possibly a love-making enhancer, it involves hacing 'an-inch-and-one-half of steel driven through their genitals.' We're still wincing." "The most outstanding skin-art site on the Web is BME, an electronic 'zine that's only available on the Net. BME is dedicated to the free dissemination of safe info regarding the art and culture of bodymods. This is a great place to start your Web crawl. Editor Shannon Larratt includes articles and photos of piercing, cutting, branding, tattooing, surgery, stretching, body-building as art, transhumanism, and any other aesthetically inspired body modifications. There are also artist's portfolios, interviews, historical info, and tattoo software. The site changes constantly, so it's worth visiting often."
The Paper
The following translation is courtesy of Mama Lani:
Headline: Piercing Mania Explosively Popular -- Even On Your Genitals?!?!"
Text: There may be some of you who say, "How dare you do such a thing on your god-given body!" But at this home page is a real find. The men who are "even pierced at THAT place!" And the women, too. Even on THOSE places. [Something about the graphic nature of the photos.] Those with a lot of courage, go ahead and visit the page.
Lani adds that "something I don't think I really conveyed in the translation was the WAY the article was written (the level of informality, use of colloquial terms, etc.) seems to point to the magazine having been geared toward a younger crowd. "Wow guys--look at the size of those TITS!" kind of feel to it. Like that old movie, Porky's.
(text missing... can you help?)

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