A word or two about Iodine based solutions in regards to cleaning fresh Body Piercings.

Iodine based products have never been well suited for cleaning fresh Piercings. Especially above the neck, where they can cause serious problems in and around the eyes and ears. Betadine/Triadine [tm] is intended to be used as a skin prep prior to surgery. Surgeons also use it as a pre-surgery hand cleanser. It is intended for use on Non-Broken skin. The label states "External Use Only". Of course anyone with an Iodine allergy or sensitivity could not use these products. If an Iodine solution is left in contact with the skin for prolonged periods of time, a sensitivity problem may develop. This is called Contact Dermatitis. Some Iodine solutions also contain Citric acid. "Would you like a little lemon juice for your navel Piercing, Ma'am?" Thought not.

Up until a few years ago, Betadine [tm] was the standard suggested aftercare solution. Hibiclens [tm] was also suggested. Hibiclens caused it's own little parade of problems. It seemed as if the optimum ingredient had yet to be invented.

Lately however, full-time Piercers have had great success with the many liquid soaps containing the active ingredient Triclosan. Triclosan seems to be a gentle yet effective way to clean new Piercings. While nothing is perfect for 100 percent of Piercees, this may be the best general method currently available. Of course Piercers don't all agree, but that's another soap opera. It seems that every soap manufacturer produces a product containing Triclosan. Even Palmolive [tm] dish washing liquid is available with this ingredient (not suggested for Piercings). In fact Triclosan is so common, some health care professionals we've spoken to fear the time when bacteria become resistant due to the overuse of this ingredient.

Dial, Nutragina, Almay, Johnsons & Johnsons, SoftSoap and Lever 2000 Liquid Anti Bacterial soaps [tm] are all good, thourough cleansers when used regularly and correctly. They also have the important advantage of being readily and widely available. If the colors and fragrances unfortunately included in most of these soaps causes a rash, try another one with a different list of ingredients. There are a few alternative products that are less readily available but may be just as (if not more) effective than the products mentioned previously. Clearly Natural [tm] is a soap that contains a small amount of Iodine and Provon [tm] is a liquid soap with the active ingredient Chloroxylenol 0.3%.

For Ear, Nostril, Septum and the outside of Lip and Cheek Piercings the active ingredient you are looking for is Benzethonium Chloride 0.13%. Commonly found in solutions like Sensitive Ears [tm].

Many Piercees concoct home brews containing various mixtures of Chamomile, Goldenseal and other herbs. Do some serious research if this is the route you choose.

After removal of all dried matter secreted to the jewelry (using hot water), the liquid soap should be gently worked into the Piercing by rotating the jewelry carefully. Leave the soap in contact for only one minute and then rinse for a minute more. Keep it simple.

Also, Alcohol is an inflammatory. Inflaming a Piercing is not good. Don't use Alcohol. Please.

And anyone who thinks Anti Bacterial ointments are appropriate for use on Body Piercings, please read the product label at least once. "Not for use on puncture wounds". Piercing. Puncture. Different words, same idea.

And saline is just not strong enough, but often provides great relief to affected Piercings when used as a hot soak. Make sure to rinse the salt water out of the piercing with clean, warm water.

There is a big difference between Infected and Affected. In this case, Affected means slightly red and/or swollen.

Hot compress' help speed up your blood circulation and bring healing co-factors to the afflicted area. A hot compress a few times a day has nursed a great many angry Piercings to a happy ending.

Remember, you are not trying to kill anything, you are just trying to give your body a helping hand, so to speak.

Listen to your body and watch the results you are getting.

Don't jump from method to method and product to product. Give your chosen method some time to become effective.

Try to clean the Piercings at the same times each day.

If your Piercing is truly infected, a trip to the doctor may be the only responsible choice. But try to speak to a Doctor who is familiar with Piercing. If you have or find an MD who understands the Piercing urge, please ask for his or her permission to forward their names to your local Piercer, The APP and/or us, for inclusion in a resource list.

By the way... Bactine [tm] is intended for scraped knees, not nipple piercings.

Keith Alexander
Modern American BodyArts, Inc.
http://www.modernamerican.com/ 718/680.9775

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