Tell me a bit about yourself...

I've been piercing professionally for about five years in a high-volume big-name studio in ****** ** ****. I've touched the lives of probably 10,000 people.

What do you think of your clients?

When I first started, and probably even still, I tried to teach every person who came through the door something about themselves -- that's what I was there for. No matter how much they didn't get it, I tried. I guess eventually it started to wear me out. I still care, and there are a lot of good people out there who I love deeply, but I have no patience for the vast and ignorant majority. It would be accurate to say that I've even gotten to hate them.

How does this affect their piercings?

It doesn't. I'm a great piercer, and they'll get the piercing they ask for, perfectly placed. I just won't give them anything of myself spiritually. If they're really horrible people, and are rude to my other customers and staff, I'll ding the needle on the table before piercing them to dull it -- the piercing is still perfect, but it'll hurt more. I've only done this about ten times though. I don't think it's that uncommon -- I know other piercers who do the same.

Is that the worst you've done?

There are times that I want to take a used needle out of the biohazard and pierce with that. There are some people that if they get AIDS or Hep-C, I'd be happy... they don't deserve to pollute the planet. But I'd never do that... would I?

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