![]() TELL ME A BIT ABOUT YOURSELF -- ANYTHING THAT YOU THINK DRAWS THE FRAMEWORK THAT YOUR MODS FIT INTO. That's a tough one. Certainly, it all "fits" in some sense, but, without being so selective about which demographic details to present as to give a distorted picture, it's hard to draw a framework that "fits" my modifications in an intuitive way.WHEN DID YOU ACTUALLY COME OUT, BOTH TO YOURSELF, TO YOUR FRIENDS, AND TO OTHERS? For me at least, reconciling external and internal conflicts, 'coming out', was a process rather than a moment. I had substantially 'come out' to friends and family by my middle twenties, but another ten years went by before I felt I had resolved the issues that were most significant for me. I don't think that where I would eventually arrive had been a matter of doubt to me since I was in my early twenties, but once the destination was recognized the trip had yet to be made.PREVIOUSLY, WERE YOU LIVING A SECRET LIFE, OR A LIFE OF DENIAL? No, not exactly. My first efforts to seek out other men for sexual contact were furtive, but I would not say that living a secretive life style ever became a stable or long-term pattern. As I began to meet more people and I became more confident I also became progressively more open. On the other hand, even today there are some people, such as certain individuals connected with my work, with whom I feel I need to be more discrete.IN BREAKING THE SEXUALITY TABOO, YOU MADE YOURSELF CAPABLE OF PERFORMING EXTREME GENITAL MODIFICATIONS. WERE OTHER ASPECTS OF YOUR LIFE SIMILARLY AFFECTED? (DID YOU START SKY DIVING?) I didn't mean to suggest that there was a direct causal relationship between overcoming the sexuality taboo and splitting my cock. It was not exactly "this therefore that". Rather the two were causally related in a collateral sense. The idea of genital modification was erotically exciting to me apart from any sexual identity issues; but erotic stimulation is something that the idea of genital modification and the idea of sexual intercourse with my own gender both share. It also seems to me that genital modification and male-male intercourse fall under similar taboos, and these taboos somehow feel different from taboos applying to other things. Perhaps it could even be said that they fall under a single broad taboo which applies to the use of one's body. (So the weakening of one is the weakening of the other.) Furthermore, my particular modifications seem symbolically analogous to certain aspects of overcoming these taboos and also to the subsequent personal growth which this engendered. But, sky diving, to use your example, shares none of these characteristics for me. ![]() HOW AND WHEN DID YOU FIRST GET INTERESTED IN GENITAL MODIFICATION? I have had fantasies about various sorts of physical modification since I was very young. These were not specifically genital, and some of them went way beyond what is credible. I remember one late night, when I was about ten years old, sitting up with my parents and watching a 'B'-grade movie about the lost continent of Atlantis. In the movie, were hybrid creatures with the bodies of young men and the heads of bulls, and I can remember feeling very aroused by this even though I did not yet understand the meaning of arousal or know that what I felt had a name. I also remember a Saturday morning children's program, not exactly a cartoon -- more like claymation or similar technology -- in which normal people could be turned into 'plant people' by receiving an injection of some sort, and then would begin to change shape, sprout leaves from their shoulders, and so forth. I found it exciting to close my eyes and imagine my body changing in this way. ![]() WAS THERE A GRADUAL PROGRESSION BETWEEN MODIFICATIONS? (I.E. PIERCING TO SUBINCISION TO BIFURCATION.) Yes, I started out with a PA without anticipation of further mods, then later gave myself a partial meatotomy. It had been rolling around in my head for a long time as fantasy, but I was afraid of it. I think it began to take on a certain reality to me, at least insofar as 'yes, I could really do this', after I had enlarged my piss hole and seen a picture of Carl Carroll. However, the thought that I really might do it came quite suddenly. One Friday night I felt inspired. I sat in my bath tub, I think with the idea that I might just give myself a meatotomy. When I began cutting I don't think I ever imagined how far I would actually go. Watching the glans fall open as I completed the meatotomy was so exciting that I wanted to continue. After the first couple of cuts the pain seemed to disappear and it was almost as if I was watching from some vantage point outside my own body. Only when the bleeding became too heavy did I stop. By that time I had extended the incision all the way down to the scrotum.DO YOUR FRIENDS KNOW ABOUT YOUR MODS? HOW DO THEY REACT? Excepting sexual partners, I have a few friends who know about my mods. I've been surprised by the lack of questions or apparent interest. I think that extreme modifications of this sort call up deep atavistic emotions that friends may be uncomfortable confronting, or in other words they might not want to know the answers for fear of what the answers say about them -- or to them.WHAT HAS THE RESPONSE FROM LOVERS BEEN? Some freak out, but those are generally the close-minded assholes I want to screen out anyway. Most are indifferent. A few can't get enough.HAVE YOU EVER MET ANYONE WITH SIMILAR MODS? Not in person. I'd like to. I've been corresponding with a couple individuals and maybe that will change soon.WHAT ARE YOUR FEELINGS ABOUT YOUR MODS? I do feel they're personal in the sense of not sharing this with everyone. There's a saying, "Don't throw your pearls before swine, and don't give dogs what is holy". But I like sharing them with people I think are open and don't don attitudes of pseudo-horror and self-righteous moralization. In that context, yes I would say I feel proud. Like, 'look at me'. I guess I'm a show-off at heart. ![]() I use urinals in certain settings, as in a leather bar (where you couldn't pay me enough to sit on the toilet!), but I usually am not too comfortable being watched in that setting. When I am watched in that setting, I don't seem to get comments. I suspect a lot of guys don't know what to say, or aren't sure what they're seeing!HOW DO YOU JUSTIFY TO PEOPLE (OR YOURSELF) THAT YOU'RE NOT CRAZY FOR HAVING PERFORMED SUCH A SERIOUS MODIFICATION ON YOURSELF? I don't try to justify. For one thing, I've never thought for a moment that I'm crazy because I've done this. It's just my body; I can't take it with me; I might as well have some fun with it while I've got it; and besides, what I've done is no different than what the doctor did to me at birth.IS IT A MATTER OF "IF THEY DON'T GET IT, THEY NEVER WILL"? I mostly agree with that statement, but I don't think that's got anything to with crazyness in the sense to which I was refering (or understood you to be refering in your original question to me). If one's perspective is that crazyness is nothing more than a socially constructed concept and that the term "crazy" is equivalent to "different" or "eccentric" or "marginal" or whatever, then yes "if they don't get it, they never will"; and in the narrow context in which that definition is applied (ie American culture) then I am indeed crazy, but it's not an issue for me because I don't consider the label a 'negative' when used in that way. However, there is also a clinical definition of "crazy", ie having one or more various severe psychic dysfunctions. This definition has often been mixed up with the former, by people who wish to label as dysfunctional others who are merely different; and I think this has sometimes been done consciously for eggregious reasons as well as out of mere ignorance. I think that labeling all individuals with an interest in genital modification as a form of the latter sort of crazyness would be an example of that confusion, and with regard to myself I don't believe that the latter definition of crazy applies. ![]() I started with a sterilized exacto knife, but once I had cut about a half inch below the meatus I noticed that the knife was leaving a jagged cut and it was difficult to keep it straight. I have a pair of scissors used for cutting roots on orchids for repotting: these were fairly new, and the two blades fit very tightly. I decided to try these and found they produced a very precise cut without pinching. I continued the cut with these.AND WHEN YOU STARTED SPLITTING THE TOP HALF? For the superincision, I first had to split the head, of course. For this I used either an exacto knife or a pen knife. Over the course of a several sessions I was able to cut the head down about two-thirds of the way to its base. This is a slow process, partly because of bleeding and partly because it's damn painful! At that point I reached what seemed to be a bundle of nerve fibers and which slowed my progress even further: Each time I would cut through the top layer of newly healed skin (from the prior cutting) just the touch of the knife blade against the exposed nerve fibers was excruciating -- much more painful than the first two thirds of the head had been. I had to find another approach.WERE ANAESTHETICS USED? I've never used anaesthetics. I'm not into pain, as such, but I want to feel the cutting. It is, for me, a sort of manhood rite, which can be had only through enduring the pain. And I want to feel my body as I perform this rite. That is not to say I do not try to find less painful methods for doing the cutting. But anaesthetics seem too clinical and artificial.HOW MUCH PAIN AND BLEEDING DID YOU EXPERIENCE? Cutting the underside was not difficult in terms of the pain. Once I had made the first couple cuts, my endorphins kicked in and I experienced mild euphoria and a sense of separation from my body. But that became dangerous when I began to see excessive bleeding and did not stop. Over the following twelve to twenty-four hours I soaked several towels in my own blood and at one point passed out on the floor of bedroom only to wake up several minutes later soaked in more blood. I finally got it to slow down and stop. I stayed in bed for three days and only got out to drink milk and take vitamins, to replenish the blood I'd lost.WAS THE EXPERIENCE EVER A FRIGHTENING ONE? Well, yes, of course. The bleeding itself didn't scare me too much at first, but when I saw it spurting, I could not get it to stop, and I began losing consciousness when I would stand up, you better believe I was scared! I thought I might die, and I could have. But in retrospect I think that was a good experience. (I'm not sure, though, what my conclusion about this experience would have been if the outcome had been different).YOU SAY YOUR SUBINCISION WAS ORIGINALLY INTO THE SCROTUM -- IT LOOKS SHORTER NOW. WHY IS THAT? At certain points as I progressed with the bisection and would want the cut on the topside to heal (because I was dating someone, or whatever), it tended to pull open repeatedly and would bleed. So, in order to help hold the two sides of my penis together to help the top half to heal, I reopened both sides of the lower part of my subincision, layered the skin, and sutured these together.WHAT TYPE OF AFTERCARE DID YOU USE DURING THE HEALING? For any but the most minor cuts, I keep things wrapped in Soft-Wick� or other non-sticking gauze pads which I've coated in antiseptic such as Neosporin� cream. I also make sure to clean the area regularly, and wipe it down or flush it with Betadine� or similar antibacterial wash. I generally keep an antibiotic around and take these at any sign of infection. For major cuts, like the subincision, I also soak the cut regularly in a tub of hot water which seems to help the healing process.DID YOU EXPERIENCE ANY NEGATIVE AFTEREFFECTS? After the entire cut (which had taken several months to complete) had healed, there was at first some reduced sensitivity along the inside surfaces of the incision and in adjacent areas where some scar tissue had developed. Over time, however, the scar tissue diminished and I've found that full, or nearly full, sensitivity has returned to the original outer surfaces of my penis and I also enjoy the sensations resulting from stimulation of the inside surfaces which are now exposed. ![]() Definitely not nullification. Once it's gone, the funs over. I want to keep playing with it, but in that vein I'm sure I'll continue to think of new ways to modify it.TELL ME A BIT MORE ABOUT YOUR RELIGIOUS/SPIRITUAL BACKGROUND. I was raised Lutheran. Although my personal beliefs are strongly influenced by Judeo-Christian thought, I don't consider myself to be either Jewish or Christian. If God has a voice, I believe it's least likely to be heard by those who aren't listening for it because they're already sure they have the inside track.HAVE YOU HEARD GOD'S VOICE? When I used the term "God's voice" just now, I was using it figuratively, but in that sense the answer to your question is "yes", and I am always listening..WHAT DO YOU THINK GOD THINKS ABOUT YOUR MODS, IF ANYTHING? As far as the mods themselves, I think God would perhaps berate me mildly for putting myself at jeopardy (I've taken some risks I should not have taken), but would otherwise regard it as a moot issue. In terms of their spiritual and transcendental significance, I think God would approve.WHERE DO YOU STAND SPIRITUALLY AT THIS POINT? I believe that there is an awful lot I do not know. I believe that we have a spirit which transcends our body, and that continues after death. I believe in a superior being, a God, that is good; and that there are certain absolutes, including an absolute definition of good and of evil. I am comforted by prayer. I try live my life according to these beliefs, as if these things were true. But I do not know these things. So, one of my prayers is that I may know the truth of these things, and that I would live according to the truth as it is revealed. I am not afraid of what awaits me after death, because I believe in the goodness of God and that God knows the sincerity of my desire to know the truth and do what is good; and if I am wrong in my belief and God is not good, then I have no hope regardless of anything I may do or believe.HOW DOES YOUR BIFURCATION FIT INTO YOUR TRANSCENDENTAL/SPIRITUAL LIFE? At a most basic level, this modification transcends the physical body in terms of modifying it and also in terms of overcoming the physical pain and possibly danger which accompany the cutting itself. At a symbolic level it represents overcoming fear of death of the physical body, and fear of what may await on the other side. For me, it represents victory in the moral struggle that let me put these fears aside.WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU HAVE TO PEOPLE CONSIDERING HEAVY GENITAL MODS? Don't take it too fast. Do your proverbial homework. Take appropriate precautions. Be sure it's something you want and that you can live with what you've got afterwards. If you have the opportunity, talk to someone who has personal experience with the mods you're interested in; but make sure it's someone who will provide balanced counsel, and not push you to do something you're not ready to do. Once you make the decision, take personal responsibility for it. Enjoy the hell out of it. ![]() You can learn more about genital splitting, subincision, nullification, and other heavy genital modification in BME/extreme. |