Why is the idea or implementation of body piercing, scarification, and tattooing so negative in the mainstream public, yet in the same breath an opponent of these body modifications will condone the use of saline or silicone to augment a woman's breasts. They would also look at a simple nose job or tummy tuck as acceptable. But truly what is the difference. Both Plastic surgery and body piercing are forms of body modification. The reason people do any of these things is to alter their form to a shape they find both aestheticly and sexually pleasing and desirable. Many people are born with parts that they feel need to be altered to feel good about themselves. You may ask what could a nose job and a male nullification have in common. I say everything! If a woman dislikes a mole on her body she has it removed. If a man dislikes the SIZE of his penis he can go to a plastic surgeon who can give him between 1-2 inches added to make him feel more masculine. Most people would say that is OK. Why should a man go through life feeling ashamed of a little penis? BUT, if another man dislikes his penis and would like to have it removed, few if any plastic surgeons would accomodate him, at least in the US. As a less dramatic example. If a person would feel sexier with their ears pierced, very few people would object. Yet, if a person would feel sexier with their navel pierced they are considered deviant and defiant. It comes down to one simple word. acceptance.

I am sure you remember in the 80's when men getting one ear pierced was trendy if not a bit defiant. Parents and conservatives were up in arms about this trend. Then it went to multiple ear piercings and men with (gasp!) both ears pierced. Eventually all these things came into acceptance by mainstream society. Well, almost. It became accepted that people who do these things to themselves are deviant, or strange, or sexually obtuse. The fact is they are just like you and me. Why is it that so many people judge others based on aesthetics? If you are one of those people who look at others different from yourself whether it is how they dress, or how they adorne or modify their bodies, take a minute some time and start up a conversation with one of us. You may be surprised.

If you are wondering what I look like, let me say this... I am a male heterosexual. I have three small tattoos that are unseen when I am fully dressed. I also have my navel pierced and bothe ears. Which is also hidden when I am dressed. I work for a large conservative company, and wear a tie to work every day. I have an annual income greater than my age of 26 years. I love my mother and father who are still married after 26 years together. I live together with my younger brother, who is my best friend. I have no bizarre fetishes, uniess you count the fact that I love to meet new and different people. So the next time you go out to eat and a friendly well dressed young man holds a door open for you. That nice boy could be a freak like me.


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