Top Experience Submittors

Total: 7,598 stories submitted by 6,234 authors in 2004.

In many ways, it's these people who really did the most work. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but writing a thousand works is a lot more work than taking a picture. Did that make any sense? Anyway... Thank you to these writers; because of their efforts, thousands of people are going into their first body modification experiences with a little more knowledge and security.

1. Valo
(23 experiences)

1. vicky-dreamer
(23 experiences)

2. Synde Terror
(22 experiences)

3. IssuesKid
(21 experiences)

4. Leah
(20 experiences)

5. Asurfael
(19 experiences)

6. lilfunky1
(16 experiences)

6. Jane Turner
(16 experiences)

6. John Joyce
(16 experiences)

7. SpikeyAnnie
(15 experiences)

- lilfunky1

"Just glad to be able to put something back."
- Jane Turner

"*ahem* I would like to thank the academy for this award... or at least thank Shannon, Rachel, and everyone else who makes BME possible. I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who's modded me, even those who I had to keep annonymous because of how badly they fucked up some inkage on me. I would like to especially thank everyone who has reviewed my experiences, and... um... my girlfriend Kristen for getting me in the mood to write again, and ultimately submit 8 experiences in like 3-4 days... um... I farted and lost my train of thought... YO ADRIAN! I DID IT!!!!"
- Valo

"Well I'm glad I can help BMEut in some way since I'm pretty broke. I don't expect anything for helping out, but I appriciate the award very much. Thank you Shannon!!"
- Synde Terror

"Thank you to Shannon and all of BME for helping me come out of my shell (a little bit, anyway!). When I discovered body modification, I found something really special that allows me to express myself in yet another art form. Without you guys, it wouldn't be the same. Through BME, I have also met some of the most brilliant, beautiful people, and that means a lot to me. So thank you again."
- SpikeyAnnie

"Many thanks to Shannon, aka... glider and to all the beautiful people on IAM who trust me to do work on them."
- John Joyce/j_scarab

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