Top Contributors, 2003
“A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and
outer life depend on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I
must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received
and am still receiving.”
One of the many prizes, a limited-edition custom BME belt buckle.
Not that I don't work damn long hours, but BME is first and formost a
group — community — effort. BME exists because of the drive
of thousands upon thousands of people of all ages and demographics around
the world believing in its value, and wanting to help bring that to
others. Because of that, at the end of every year I like to do this
little awards ceremony to thank those that went out of their way to
"help in bulk". It is these people who built BME in 2003 (and some in
2002 also).
The competition was a lot harder this year, with BME's submissions
running at approximately double last year's speed. Instead of just
doing a top-50 rundown, this year I also split the awards into sections
to recognize the contributions by category. Click any of the pictures
below to check out the winners (and their "acceptance speeches" in some
cases too):
The prizes included custom limited edition belt buckles (which you can see
above if you have Java turned on), and a series of rather odd limited
edition shirts (and more):
What?!? You want to see them in detail?
You'll have to wait until the winners
send in photos for the t-shirt gallery!
Again, thank you so much to all of you that helped, and especially those of
you who made it to these top-lists. I really couldn't do it without you, and
I look forward to working with you more in 2004 and onward. The 21st century
belongs to the individual!

Shannon Larratt
Shannon Larratt is the editor and publisher of BMEZINE.COM, the largest and oldest full-spectrum body modification publication on the planet. He also is known for his promotion of radical individualistic politics, spirituality, and on a more base level, his main vice: exotic cars. Shannon lives in rural Canada with his family and friends where he is currently producing the BME movie.
Copyright © 2004 BMEZINE.COM. Permission is granted to reprint this article in its entirety as long as credit is retained and usage is non-commercial. Requests to publish edited or shortened versions must be confirmed in writing. For bibliographical purposes this article was first published January 1st, 2004 by BMEZINE.COM in Tweed, Ontario, Canada.

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