This section contains older articles written in the "first generation" of BME's lifetime, including Mark Kramer's brilliant Soft Toy Department, as well as an early attempt at The Publisher's Ring. We do occasionally add new files here (results of larger polls, non-column commentaries, and so on), but on the whole this is a very dusty and unmaintained area.
Soft Toy Department #11 * Headlines, Footnotes, and Handouts
Soft Toy Department #10 * Hormonal Convergence
Soft Toy Department #9 * Springtime for Hedwig
Soft Toy Department #8 * 1998: The Year in Body Modification
Soft Toy Department #7 * Flesh Equinox '98
Soft Toy Department #6 * "A New York State Of Body"
Soft Toy Department #5 * Cruel and Unusual Entertainment
Soft Toy Department #4 * 1997: The Year in Body Modification
Soft Toy Department #3 * There's no business like Shaw business
Soft Toy Department #2 * Estronomicon
Soft Toy Department #1 * My Dinner with Gatewood
The BME direction survey * (Old Article)
The plan for BME in 1999 * (Old Article)
Getting into the biz * (Old Article)
September Stuff * (Old Article)
Do the Math * (Old Article)
Sterility * (Old Article)
First One * (Old Article)
The (old) BME survey * (Old Article)
Articles and Reviews of BME in print * (Old Article)

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