- 2006-01-19: USA: Audio/Video Tattoo Tales Upload (TLC) [by Frisky_Vixen666]
- 2006-01-19: NY: Getting inked [by Frisky_Vixen666]
- 2006-01-19: NY: Immersion Therapy [by Frisky_Vixen666]
- 2006-01-19: LA: Little Lubbaloo Wins Over Celebs at Exclusive Golden Globes Event [by Frisky_Vixen666]
- 2006-01-19: IL: Curry returns home [by Frisky_Vixen666]
- 2006-01-19: WA: For the love of the game: Fan gets Hawks logo tattooed on ankle [by Frisky_Vixen666]
- 2006-01-19: IL: County Board relaxes tattoo restriction [by MexDavid]
- 2006-01-19: CO: Broncos leave mark on two tattooed fans [by MexDavid]
- 2006-01-19: CO: Broncos leave mark on two tattooed fans [by rebekah]
- 2006-01-19: FL: Building a better burrito [by rebekah]
- 2006-01-19: NV: ‘Tattoo Girl’ is in top form [by rebekah]
- 2006-01-19: NC: Christian Research Institute Endorses Tattoos, Upsets Frederick Meekins [by rebekah]
- 2006-01-19: PA: Steelers fan has 200-plus hours of tattoos [by rebekah]
- 2006-01-19: AZ: Students sell space on bodies for spring break [by rebekah]
- 2006-01-19: WV: Artist makes his mark despite attacks effects [by rebekah]
- 2006-01-19: China: Fancy fishes with Chinese New Year tattoos [by rebekah]
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