BME Social Media

Word of mouth has been our method of reuniting the community, and it has brought a substantial amount of us together. I am inspired by your loyalty and I want to remind more people of BME’s existence. In 2020 we gained control over @bmezine on Instagram. It has been sitting dormant since then, which we are changing now. I believe that we can reunite thousands of past BME members by getting exposure there. Initially, I would like to feature you on our page. If you have any works you are particularly proud of, please send submissions to [email protected] and include if possible your artist, any interesting details about the work, and you @ if you would like to be tagged.

I have ideas of interviews, videos about different body mods, and news, but you know exactly what you want to see. If you have suggestions or ideas please email me at [email protected] .

BME continues to exist because of all of you. Thank you,

Nefarious Larratt

7 thoughts on “BME Social Media

  1. hi I’m trying to get in contact with Brian Decker I heard he travels and he came highly recommended when it comes to toung splitting and I would like to get in contact with him about possibly getting something scheduled to possibly get mine done my number is *********

  2. Cuando inicie BME fue lo que me abrió la cabeza como un hacha. Pude compartir mi material y cree vínculos con mas gente la cual incluso pude ver en persona… Espero que luego de la montaña rusa que pasado la web renazca ya que me encantaría poder publicar y debatir con la comunidad…. Gracias por todo 🙂

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