Unfortunately, when we lost some of the ModBlog content, it included the post about Rachel’s passing. (Original Post) Rachel passed away on June 22, 2022. She died in her sleep.
Even now, it’s extremely difficult to write this post. Rachel meant so much to so many. She was my friend but she was so much more than that. For me, she was family and today, just a week after what would have been her 43rd birthday, the pain is still very raw. For those of us who really knew her, Rachel was a light and a force. She was passionate, generous and kind. She was goofy and ridiculous. Without even knowing it or trying to, she could command a room.
I’ll never stop missing you Rachel.

Hey Jen,
The original post is available on archive.org in case you’d like to create a post as it was before the server’s issue: https://web.archive.org/web/20220808194742/https://news.bme.com/2022/06/30/rachel-larratt-1980-2022/
Coin-coin le Canapin
Thanks, I put the original back up!
Thank you Jen!
oh what the fuck. oh. my mil0. :~(
Wow, I feel terrible for your loss! It was already really hard when I learned the loss of your father, now it’s Rachel! MAN, Bmezine was a big part of my life and it helped me get to be the person I am today so I feel really bad and HOPE it will get better for the entire organization </3
(I was on IAM for instance and got to meet a.m.a.z.i.n.g people there… it's extremely sad)
Lots of love ❤️
(by the way if you need any help feel free to contact me (I still have many many content from bmezine, as I participated in the content there) ; I am a webdesigner today and also still do some body modification as part of being an artist in French Polynesia)
Love for the best 🙏
R.I.P. Rachel, I was a friend of Shannon’s and we never knew each other. I believe I saw you and Shannon in Clerks 2.
This is a terrible loss to the BME community. May your legacy live on and may you be happy in the afterlife.
I hope that the site is back up soon, you’ve accomplished a lot giving people who are unique a community to connect with others who are like them.
May Rachel’s successor follow on in a trailblazing way.
This is a beautiful thing you’ve created here.
God bless and Godspeed all.
Best regards,
Peter Kaleb Theodoropoulos
cute girl and angel 😇
is there any way to recover photos and entries from iam?
mil0 🙁
rest in peace one of my oldest friends.
hello i m pierced and would love to share experiences and pics if possible