I became enamored today with the work of Paul Clavé, who you can find at Timeless Tattoo in Glasgow, online at timelesstattoos.co.uk or on FB at facebook.com/paul.clave. His portfolio is much broader than just this of course, but what caught my eye is a series of blackwork tattoos that he calls “apocalyptical works”. As you can see, they draw heavily from the paranoid era of religious paranoia and death-obsession in the Dark Ages brought on by terrors like the Black Plague, as well as the type of linework that was used in woodcuts of the time. This imagery translates just perfectly into tattoo form I think.
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3 thoughts on “Paul Clavé’s Apocalyptic Tattoos”
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I adore this style. Done so well too. Paul Clavé you are the man
I adore this style. Done so well too. Paul Clavé you are the man
I adore this style. Done so well too. Paul Clavé you are the man