I’ll say with some certainty that at this point My Little Pony tattoos are popular enough that they’re well beyond passing trend. Certainly it’s not unusual for tattoos to blur the line between personal reference and clever pop culture reference, and these are a great example of that.
But, like dead celebrities, it’s not a trend until it comes in threes, so maybe a Vegas bookie wants to take odds on what’s going to be the next big thing in hipster tattoos in the BME tattoo galleries: The Morton Salt Girl or Ghostbusters? Place your bets… Personally my money is on the Salt Girl.
Send in your picture to settle the bet.
i used to watch that wen i lil boy .yay 4 my lil pony
yay my tattoo is on here =x
The salt one is common not always because it’s neat on it’s own… often it’s in reference to the Jawbreaker tour of the early nineties (“When it pains, it roars.”).
Hi. I’m getting a full back piece with the morton’s salt girl getting attacked by carnivorous plants. So far i’ve just got the girl on there, she’s about 8″ high…Next appointment is Dec 4 for the remainder of the outline.