- 2005-11-01: SA: When teens harm themselves [by rebekah]
- 2005-11-01: Jamaica: I want to be. a Tattoo Artist/Body Piercer [by Ebowlotus1960]
- 2005-11-01: OR: Bizarre sex, self-mutilation, ‘love of death’ becoming increasingly commonplace [by Ebowlotus1960]
- 2005-11-01: IA: Big Dog Tattoos: Doing more than inking skin [by Ebowlotus1960]
- 2005-11-01: CA: SAN MATEO COUNTY BODY ART ORDINANCE TO GO TO VOTE [by Ebowlotus1960]
- 2005-11-01: AK: Body-piercing team hooks crowd with performance [by Ebowlotus1960]
- 2005-11-01: WI: Fascinating and forgotten: the hidden nipples [by Ebowlotus1960]
- 2005-11-01: OR: Bizarre sex, self-mutilation, ‘love of death’ becoming increasingly commonplace [by rebekah]
- 2005-11-01: CA: Image of beauty [by rebekah]
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