- 2007-01-04: KS: BODY ART | Live long the LiveStrong tattoo [by Ribibe]
- 2007-01-04: VT: A tattoo for every fashion [by Ribibe]
- 2007-01-04: PA: Man uses plastic coupon from piercing company to break into church [by Ebowlotus1960]
- 2007-01-04: VT: A tattoo for every fashion [by Ebowlotus1960]
- 2007-01-04: KY: Say goodbye to tattoos [by Ebowlotus1960]
- 2007-01-04: OK: Drawing first blood [by Ribibe]
- 2007-01-04: OK: Man arrested on charge of tattooing minor [by Ebowlotus1960]
- 2007-01-04: arrested on charge of tattooing minor OK: Drawing first blood [by Ebowlotus1960]
- 2007-01-04: NY: USA : Freedom-2 LLC to introduce removable tattoo ink [by Ebowlotus1960]
- 2007-01-04: FL: HUMANS TATTOOED SELVES FOR YEARS [by Ebowlotus1960]
- 2007-01-04: MA: Decorate your hands with henna tattoos [by Ebowlotus1960]
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