Her tattoo is actually taken from a Bayside song (Head on a Plate), but I think it suits ModBlog just fine as well! I also appreciate the irony of getting a tattoo about originality that’s a copy of someone else’s lyrics… But sometimes others find the right way to say what you’re already feeling.
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42 thoughts on ““Originality’s Not A Curse””
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too bad it’s lacking an apostrophe.
Originality’s not a curse… but bad grammar is. Apostrophe, please.
I’m feeling that rug. Retro.
People really need to researcy apostrophe usage before they get inked. I s’pose, as some consolation, it’s easier to add one than remove.
Is it widely agreed upon that originality IS a curse?
“But sometimes others find the right way to say what you’re already feeling.”
That says it all…
Waiting for someone to post about star tattoos not being original, etc…
aghhh no apostrophe.
now that would bother me.
i wonder if she knows…?
Oh man, that shag carpet!
I think she’s trying to tell us something with the lack of apostrophe. We just have to ferret it out. Perhaps not using punctuation is original?
cute overall.
but with that crowded top line, why wasnt it just:
is not a
Ahh, the missing apostrophe would drive me insane if I was her…
The singer from Bayside is a right miserable git. But I like the tattoo, apostrophe disaster aside.
i fucking love bayside, also.
screw apostrophes, should have made the 2nd line “is not a”
No. 7…haha.
I’m all for avoiding apostrophe usage with our little friend “is”. I think the use of “is” makes a statement that much stronger.
Give it an “is” and I would love it. I love the spirit of the tattoo and the background of the banner, though.
Oh, and her shoes, I really like her shoes.
Or, er, shoe. As it were.
Is it just me or… well… isn’t it sort of an oxymoron to use someone else’s quote to point out the value of originality? If you want to be original you kind of have to BE it, not quote other people on the topic.
Micah – no, it’s not jsut you. In fact, to quote Shannon:
“I also appreciate the irony of getting a tattoo about originality that’s a copy of someone else’s lyrics… But sometimes others find the right way to say what you’re already feeling.”
At first I thought it said “Originality is not a cause” and I really liked it, but then I read it more carefully and I was quite dissapointed.
“originality’s!!” Fergot th’ apostrophe!! OOPZ!!
vicious. i like that!
Nikee, thanks I missed that in the intro. Hopefully the irony is intentional, not just reslutant. Like that Alanis Morisette song, isn’t it ironic? Do you think she intentionally made a song about irony that contained a bunch of examples that weren’t in fact ironic (Rain on you wedding day… that’s not irony, it’s just shitty luck)? Or was it just happenstance that the song itself is ironic in the extreme, insofar as it’s about irony without any solid examples of irony included?
Man, why do I think about that crap so much.
LOL, @ Micah’s post.
I’m going to guess that it was unintentional. The fact that the letters on the top banner are so crowded was unfortunate on its own, but that there’s a missing apostrophe, *and* there’s no room to stick one in there now… that’s doubly bad.
Actually, “rain on your wedding day” is the only ironic point in the song as it’s believed to be good luck; where you would generally expect it to be bad luck, like you said. The rest of the song is rubbish.
i do indeed like her shoes too.
I don’t think it needs an apostrophe. It’s a good tattoo if it means what you want it to mean.

Screw everyone else, as long as the owner digs it.
im sorry to say, but i detest tattoos like this one.
…but horrid grammar is.
this tattoo could’ve been executed in a much more classy, high quality way, i think.
Irony is not a curse either.
i adore that song. and that album. that is a KEY album.
i really want a tattoo on my foot
i plan on getting a floral design
i wouldnt use a quote from someone else to point out originality..
ooops i forgot the apostrophe too!! mistakes happen.. it just sucks when they are in ink.
this is big shit
this sucks
i actually have the same lyric tattooed on my back…
yeah…i actually have that tattooed on my side with just the words going vertically…and i DO have an apostrophe. I didn’t think anyone else had those lyrics. =’(
It doesn’t need an apostrophe. Apostrophe’s denote possessive, missing letters due to an accent, or missing letters in contractions. This is not a proper contraction nor do I think she meant it to represent an accent. What it SHOULD be is “Originality IS not a curse” Check your fucking spelling and grammar before you get a tattoo.