Alright, I’m bored of this game already, so this is the last one… Shortly you’ll be able to create these yourself anyway. Click the artist credit for the original picture:
- Unknown Artist, Marc, Soul Survivors Body Art, Unknown Artist
- Tegan Stadnyck, Lightwave Tattoo, Denis Prevost, Live Once Tattoo, North Bay Ontario, Pooch, Altered State Tattoo
- Rich Bustamante, Screamin ink, Isaac David, Ink Link Tattoos, Patrick Cornolo, Cherry Bomb, Chicago
- Joseph Skramstad, Queen Of Pain, Honolulu, HI, Patrick Cornolo, Cherry Bomb, Chicago, Jason Ackerman, Lucky 7 Tattoos, West Palm Bch Fl
Those tattoos are fantastic…I want one!
great tats! and great work on the new code, hope we’ll get to use it soon!
Fantastic colors!
Fantastic timing, I’m drawing up my ideas for some tiki tattoo’s at the moment = D
the first one is actually adorable.
Top right-hand corner is mine! Midas of Cobra Custom Tattoo in Plymouth, MA did that for me…
Wow. They all look great. Amazing detail. Very Colorful. I love them.
Love Denis`, great work as usual!
The very first one is by Dean Brockert at Kustom Kulture in Plainville, CT.
Yay! That tattoo of my tiki girl (6th pic down)is my favorite that I have! Pooch is a wonderful artist. I’ve had it for five years and it still is just about as bright as it was the day I got it!
Seeing tattoos like these is why I am so looking forward to working with color on my next wave of work. these are gorgeous.
Awww, I love ‘em!
Cool both my tiki’s from Patrick Cornolo made the page.
Nice ink! “Shortly you’ll be able to create these yourself anyway.” – was that what the programming talk many a post down was about? Do you mean create a set of tattoos based on keywords? That’d be really handy for someone searching for inspiration for new ink, say for a butterfly on their shoulder. They could type in ‘butterfly, colour, tribal’ and some ink with those characteristics would show up.. If this is your plan roughly Shannon – awesome!
mine is second row center…sucks that it’s not finished yet.
Kick ass I adore Tiki’s. I myself have a rather large tiki tattoo on my neck..
Aww.. I was kinda hoping you’d throw in at least one hei-tiki =(
<3 Tiki tattoos.
the second one is mine!
these are awesome but you really have to much time on your hands
Thanks for getting all the stupid tattoos out of the way in one fell swoop with these “A dozen tattoos about [whatever]” posts… Of course, I have to admit some of the work is beautiful and extremely well-done from a technical standpoint. However, I can’t believe so many people get such unoriginal crap permanently placed on their bodies. Elvis, snowflakes, Hello Kitty, Spiderman, tikis, and (don’t even get me started!) leopard prints!?!?!? OMG!!! I can understand the ganesh and “om mani padme hum” tattoos, but only if the person is a hindu or buddhist. Honestly though, how many of the people with those tattoos are really hindu or buddhist??? Most often they are just lame white rich kids trying to be cool… Like I said before, thanks for getting all these jejune fratboy tattoos out of the way with a quickness, now please get back to posting quality material about the body modification lifestyle!
Chinaman9…I don’t think we really need a tattoo police around here. Apart from the fact that a motif you deem “unoriginal crap” my hold an important PERSONAL value to someone despite being a popular image, I actually get the impression that it is YOU who is desperatley trying to be cool and original by lashing out against a (largely imaginary) group of posers and hipsters so that you can claim to be hardcore and/or oldschool by comparison.
Ok, rereading that I was getting close to an ad-hominem attack myself, but this kind of pointless, “thread crapping” just annoys me…live and let live, will you?
Chinaman9, I started to reply to your post with all of the significance that my tiki tattoo holds for me. But instead of bothering to explain that, I think I’ll just commiserate with the last poster and tell you that I’m sorry for your own lack of vision.
They are all fantastic but I think my favourite one is the bottom right. As for the negative comments…I’d just ignore those people. Maybe they have more fulfilling lives — NOT.
“Thanks for getting all the stupid tattoos out of the way in one fell swoop with these “A dozen tattoos about [whatever]” posts… Of course, I have to admit some of the work is beautiful and extremely well-done from a technical standpoint. However, I can’t believe so many people get such unoriginal crap permanently placed on their bodies. Elvis, snowflakes, Hello Kitty, Spiderman, tikis, and (don’t even get me started!) leopard prints!?!?!? OMG!!! I can understand the ganesh and “om mani padme hum” tattoos, but only if the person is a hindu or buddhist. Honestly though, how many of the people with those tattoos are really hindu or buddhist??? Most often they are just lame white rich kids trying to be cool… Like I said before, thanks for getting all these jejune fratboy tattoos out of the way with a quickness, now please get back to posting quality material about the body modification lifestyle! :)”
Did I honestly just read that on here?
I am sitting here with my jaw dropped thinking WTF?!?
“now please get back to posting quality material about the body modification lifestyle!”
Since when did tattoo’s fall out of the Modification lifestyle?
I was going to post about how nice it has been to not have the redundant Bullshit that has been polluting every other comment section of the wonderful pictures that are posted on ModBlog..
But I guess That is N/A here.
All of this makes me very sad.
Chinaman maybe would have a big hook tattoo. Maybe.
I like these, particularly the bright colors.
Thank you shannon for posting these collections of tattoos. it is amazing to see how an idea can be interpreted in so many ways. really shows how tattooing is an artform. i appreciate them all.
What #29 said. These are not stupid posts at all!
And I LOVE me some TIKIS!! Tiki #’s 2,5, & 7 are my faves!
Just wondering if anyone with a tiki tatttoo ever wonders about a Gilligan’s Island, Brady Bunch, bad luck or bad juju kinda thing? haha
Speaking of my hei-tiki comment, -are- there any hei-tiki tattoos out there?
Shannon, I’m so excited about this feature! If I understand correctly, we’ll be able to search based on keywords in the image title? That’s exciting.
Chinaman9, let’s see your tattoos.
hmmm…i know you probally get alot of tattoos and you no doubt are bored with them…but many of these tattoos are beautiful and deserve a bit more credit that ‘a dozen of this and a dozen of that’…ok, so you’ve seen a zillion spider man’s and tiki’s…its not as entertaining as some of the freakier entries you receive-but these are contributions from talented artists that care enough about BME to submit their work…how about showing them some respect, instead of using their work to make a statement about how bored you get with your entries…i’m not trying to be critical…but it seems as if personal irritation from criticisms you receive are seeping out into your posts, and i think the artists submiting their work to you, as well as those of your readers that simply have a different opinion than you, are receiving the shit-end-of-the-stick because of this…
and as someone who one day hopes to be a tattoo artist and has spent alot of time working under them, tattoos are a beautiful and DIFFICULT art form to master….these guys/girls must have great skill to excel in the ink slingin world…so how about showing them the props they deserve…it takes way more skill to do these dozen tiki’s, than it does to be 15 and begin stretching at rapidily fast rates till your lip and nose is at giagantic proportions by the age of 20…
maybe it is cliche to have a tiki tattoo, but I have a collection of over 100 of them at home… That’s why I got mine… guess I’m not cool enough for Chinaman… Did I mention the rest of my sleeve is hanuman holding a sprinkle donut? Is that cool enough now Chinaman? Can I be in ur rad club now?
I find it interesting that small minded folks have such horrible voids in their lives that they must resort to shitty comments about other peoples tattoos. Is that even your real name, Mr. Chinaman9? Maybe you forgot that this, of all places, is a sanctuary for acceptance. Perhaps plenty of folks here think your tattoo work is for shit. Perhaps you have no tattoos at all, and are just a random weenie who likes to be “controversial”. Get a life and stop being a fucking hater. Thank you, from someone who cares…..
@35, psychonaut: If you are Hindu, mad respect. If you aren’t Hindu, wtf is up with the hanuman tattoo??? Wait.. anyone with a sprinkle donut is cool enough to be a part of my rad club, you are in.
@36, MetalMelter: no, chinaman9 is not my real name. How did you know? My actual name is chinaman973543826. BTW, is MetalMelter your real name?
All joking aside, apologies for my rather invidious comment before. I am not heavily tattooed, but the few I do have are completely original and hold a great deal of personal significance. I guess some of the tattoos I was dissing could actually be quite meaningful to some people. My point was that many of these designs are just flash that some kid might go get on a dare or something and then wind up regretting a few years later. I am really not a “hater”. I have total acceptance of anything anyone wants to do to their body as long as they really completely thought it through beforehand. I don’t make comments too often, but anyone who has seen my comments before knows I have only said positive things. The negative comment I made here was an uncalled for first, and I promise a last. Seriously, sorry for bringing in a bad vibe!
i had kinda hoped i’d get a response from you, shannon, on my comment…the way these pieces were presented has been troubling me (a dozen of this and a dozen of that)…to the point of questioning whether i’d ever submit future work, myself…it seems insulting to use work that was submitted to support BME as a statement to show how boring the submissions are compared to the more controversial posts…
I really like the top right one…
Some of them look like they’re from the Crash Bandicoot games…