Please correct me if I named the wrong video game (I only play Guitar Hero and Rock Band). I wasn’t sure how this was going to heal when I first saw it, but it turned out quite nicely in the end — this scar/skin removal is by Branko/Darlin from BZK Tattoo in Slovakia.
See more in “Skin Removal“ (Scarification)
That’s Link, from the Legend of Zelda series. I think it turned out really well!
That’s Link, from the Legend of Zelda series. I think it turned out really well!
aaaa!!! Legend of Zelda!!! Childhood : )))
aaaa!!! Legend of Zelda!!! Childhood : )))
Ah. Childhood comes rushing back!

Link is the best.
Ah. Childhood comes rushing back!

Link is the best.
OMG that’s Link!!! Soo BAMF
OMG that’s Link!!! Soo BAMF
love it
but he’s link not zelda. why the games are named after a charatre other than the one you play as is beyond me but…
love it
but he’s link not zelda. why the games are named after a charatre other than the one you play as is beyond me but…
It came out great
It came out great
agh! look how cute Link is!!
agh! look how cute Link is!!
– airy
– airy
rock on I love the way the Eyes turned out. GET THAT TRIFORCE SON!
rock on I love the way the Eyes turned out. GET THAT TRIFORCE SON!
That’s LINK!!!!! Zelda is the princess.
That’s LINK!!!!! Zelda is the princess.
Hezky Darline, vidim ze metoda tenkejch rezu se ujala:) to me tesi
Hezky Darline, vidim ze metoda tenkejch rezu se ujala:) to me tesi
velmo pekne
velmo pekne
that turned out pretty nicely! How old is it in the 2nd photo?
that turned out pretty nicely! How old is it in the 2nd photo?
where on the persons body is it?
where on the persons body is it?
Wow that came out really well
Ocarina of Time is the best game that ever did exist, in my humble opinion!
Wow that came out really well
Ocarina of Time is the best game that ever did exist, in my humble opinion!
I think this scar is based off of either A Link to the Past or Wind Waker… While OoT is most definitely the greatest video game to have ever been created, that’s definitely not the young Link from it
I think this scar is based off of either A Link to the Past or Wind Waker… While OoT is most definitely the greatest video game to have ever been created, that’s definitely not the young Link from it
This made me jump and squeal with delight.
This made me jump and squeal with delight.