hmmm, I wonder what they put in that Aperitivo he’s drinking there – but if it makes you do fun stuff like that, it has to be good
Hmmm, I have no idea why comments were disabled. I’ve noticed WordPress do that occasionally.
we ciucatééé!!
yay its not a penis!
i knew right off what it was
That’s a shotglass, in a… something…
Huh. That was totally unexpected. But yay for not immediately making me want to cover my eyes!
weird, i stil expect these to be cocks
I knew it was a lip, but I thought he had a taper in it…
yay, so it was a labret! but i had no clue what he’d put in it
i knew it! but i also thought he had a taper in it.
hmmm, I wonder what they put in that Aperitivo he’s drinking there – but if it makes you do fun stuff like that, it has to be good
….I bring that Aperitivo with me in swiss this year!!!!hahhaahhahaaha!!!!!!!!
Looks like a taper through a lip…
I mean, ‘Aper’ through a lip! Close!
i don’t like it when its not a penis, it ruins the fun lol
Why was that a clickthrough again? Oh wait, because you wanted us to think it was a scrotum
I thought it said ‘Plugs For Ears’ took my slow mind a while to realise my mistake..
Those are pretty.
I love Ze. i watch him every day![okey, almost]
But fuck… hes handsome.
Sorry for the band english.
i knew it!