JesseV hit me up on IAM to let me know he’d just uploaded a photo of his latest scarification.I know I said I was going to fill up the rest of the day with pretty girls but I figured why not post a big cutting by a long time contributor to BME?
“This latest cutting of roses and an hour glass took approximately 6 hours in total on Jason Cain’s ribs. The original design was drawn by one of our tattoo artists here at Thrive Studios, Travis McGregor. It was a real fun piece to do!”
Click through for a close up!
Props to Thrive LOL! Kudos to Jesse and Travis!
LOL PS, I loooove the fuzz
can i add him to my christmas list??
nice cutting, look forward to seeing how it heals.
That’s really pretty. My eye keeps going back to the level of the sand because it’s not where it would be if it was on his body; regardless, it’s a nice shape for his physique. But ye gods and little fishes, that is one hairy man.
Its a really beautiful piece, will be nice to see how it heals up.
Goodness, that is one great piece. Though I’d be worried about ingrown hairs on this man-beast.
I’m surprised that people consider this guy to be considerably hairy. Though I suppose the average amount of men who shave their chest these days is a bit higher than it was before.. Either way. I wouldn’t say he’s awful. One of my uncles could likely be mistaken for a gorilla with his shirt off. In fact, since he started to go grey, I kept in my urges to say he’s going silverback.
That guy is cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute.
His rib piece is pretty badass too
Actually he wasn’t hairy in the place of the cutting at all. I barely had to shave him…just a little near his stomach. Thanks for all the kind words about the cutting and I’ll send more pics in once it’s healed.
Travis McGregor is a fucking awesome tattooer..
=s hairy as fuck looks smelly nice work thou
fuck that is amaaaaaaaazing
Very cool
holy crap, he’s one hairy mofo. but yeah, awesome cutting. :]
No need to diss the fuzz.
intentional or not, i can’t help but look at the hour glass and see a resemblance to a woman’s body. obviously, hips and shoulders are the rounder fuller parts, she’s got a pretty tiny waist, but those details on the bottom look like the balls of her feet tucked under her, and the details on the sides at the top like her arms crossed across her chest and grasping her shoulders. and, it fits great on his body!
Goshdamn he’s gorgeous!!