Tami sent me these pictures of a nice scarification piece done by JesseV at Thrive Studios in Cambridge.
I immediately noticed the scars behind her new scarification piece, and assumed you guys would too. Rather than let myself or the commenters make assumptions, I went on and asked her about them.
They are clearly self harm scars, self injury was something that I struggled with for the better part of the last 10 years. It has now been a year since I have hurt myself, and since I first learned about scarification (about 5 years ago) I had decided that someday I want something done to cover up the scars. Not that the scars were embarrasing, but it was just uncomfortable to me to have perfect strangers asking about them, and when I would reply that was just the way my skin was people seemed to be offended.
I have always liked the look of scars and decided that I wanted one that actually looked nice and wanted to show to people. It seemed to make more sense to me to cover up or disguise the existing scars with another scar instead of a tattoo.
To me, this is a perfect example of what body modification can be, an opportunity to reclaim one’s body. This piece turned something negative into something positive and beautiful and that, to me, is a big part of why I love body mods so much.
Fore a few more shots, keep on keeping on.
itll be interesting to see what the scars turn out like since they’re going through other scars
This is beautiful.
Lovely! One of the best pieces I’ve seen. I’m so glad for her!
Want to see what this heals like. Very interested in doing this.
Really great post for many reasons.
Nice work.
looks so good!
Beautiful story
YAY for Jesse!!
This has been one of my favourite posts in a while. Not only is the piece gorgeous, but the story is as well. This was wonderful!
This is really beautiful in many ways. The contrast between the old and new scars will be interesting.
Great story and a stunning piece! Really well done.
hoping we get to see what it looks like healed, whether or not the other scars interfere too badly. This is something I’ve been considering doing for a long time so hopefully it turns out beautifully.
Congrats on a year Tami
This is beautiful in every way possible.
jesse’s such a chill mate (:
jesse’s such a chill mate (:
man im excited to see how that heals
sean please post updates on it!!!!
i also want to see how it heals. i’m considering getting a similar scarification over old si scars.
great story, nice work, beautiful young lady…i too would love to see a healed version…
I also have self-injury scars on my arm and I want something very similar, but not covering my old SI scars. I have decided to keep one arm as my “scar arm” and have the other arm to have similar designs tattooed on. The same, but different
Oh, and congratulations on one year
Every day, week, month and year is a milestone, and you should be really proud of yourself and your achievements!
really beautiful, good to see you’re a survivor.
Gorgeous work on a gorgeous person
i love the story behind it
Its kinda like a scarification cover-up…though don’t know if it could have been possible to include the old scars in the design.
ok alright it already says so in the text…first reading then posting…
That scars-over-scars-thing is romantic.
Ive been thinking of getting a scarification to cover bad SI scars. Im extremely happy for this lady and Id love to see some healed pics. If I DO go ahead with the SI cover up, Ill be sure to submit them here
I love these kinds of posts. <3 It’s beautiful.
i love u tami, keep updating me on pics <3 its gorgeous
It looks fantastic. Like most of the other commenters, I’d love to see photos of it healed!
WOW! what a wonderful thing
wonderful post/idea!
congrats on the one year, i’ve lost count of how long it’s been for me but i remember all the times i kept tallies and how good it felt to pass a certain milestone =)
I hope I can do a similar thing with the SI scars I have on my legs.
What a great post!
Don’t have any experience with self mutilation or depression so it may be a bit presumptuous of me to ask, but if a person like this becomes depressed again in the future, do the ornamental scars help as a reminder not to self harm again?
Good question, fiudgfuiwdfhuio, but better still, I think she’s all fixed now.
How wonderful to see something that seems to be resonating positively with so many members of the community
This is beautiful, and like everyone else I would be very interested in seeing how it heals!
great to see you smiling so beautifully !
This is beautiful, and something I was just thinking of as I came across it. I too would love to see updates on this, especially to see it once it is healed, and I am also considering doing the same thing over my scars.
Congratulations on your 1 year! Stay strong! I’ve almost made it a full year.
I’m obsessed with the texture of scars which makes stopping harder because when the old scars get flat I want to make new ones so I can feel them again.
I love the idea of scarification and would love one day to try it .