Alright, I’m going to be honest. I totally geeked out really hard when I saw that Efix had put this in someone’s hand. I had a chance to sit down with him right before he left for Australia and he showed me some of the implants he was putting in people while down there, but he must have hid this one from me. In any case, as you can see, in addition to being an artist with a scalpel, he can take a piece of silicone and transform a hand into something epic.
This piece in particular isn’t found in his scarification portfolio, but can be found in the 3D-Art Implant Gallery.
That thing is thick! The corners worry me a bit.
this piece was done on my last trip to Australia and is 9 months old
The corner on the bottom left seems to be worrisome but looks awesome nonetheless!
I just came
Jesus fuck, that’s huge! So impressive.
It looks really great Efix!
I have an implant on my hand (by Efix, too), and when making a fist, it “tightens” it over the skin, I’m sure there’s nothing to worry about it, if there was it would have manifested way before 9 months old, and Efix did it. It looks well healed and such a great idea.
This… is awesome.
I’ve always been curious, do these things hurt a lot??? They sure look painful.
sad to see how no one speaks up anymore, this guy start doing implants only a few year ago and now post how this implant is 9 months old so its healed and look good.
but no
this way to big for hand
feel sorry for person who get this as it will have to remove this would be good to see what the origonal implant artist think of this
wish steve haworth would come here and comment on how this is way to big and will not be good in later years
AHHHHH. I carved that exact piece for someone who never showed for the appointment, so don’t be surprised if you see the same thing again sometime
Efix did a really amazing skull on my buddy, but I also think that the triforce is giving the illusion that if it bumps something since it does look so tight that the skin’ll rip like paper it looks extremely thick…I love zelda, and contemplated having it done in white ink on myself same place, but I always question implants in general… also the incision at the right side of the hand sketches me out…
His triforce is upside down.
That pic is of one my best mates. It’s so cool irl. ;D
This is my hand and when a mate told me it had been posted I was syked but I have come to find some very unsupportive comments, I know that in the game link has his tri force the other way but after lots of consideration I got it done this way (because of the thickness of the piece) i believe it wouldnt have been ok to put the other way so it isn’t upside down.
Secondly I’m disgusted to see people dropping big names and putting EFIX down for his work. The implants size was interesting to heal and I had to oil it regularly to avoid stretch marks on my skin and care for it properly. The piece has lovely thick healed skin and is set, there are no signs it will reject and to say it could rip is a bit silly to be honest.
Thankyou everyone that gave good feedback and see this for what it is.
I live with my implant everyday and love it! I and EFIX can judge it for what it is because he did it and I healed it and there is no concern of loosing this piece.
I’m honestly so sick of people putting good artists down when they do a great job and in my opinion are born to do this, as a body piercer I hear about certain people putting me down for the PIERCINGS i have done but there is no need for that. I just wish people would accept that other people have talent and stop putting them down for something they work hard for.
Thankyou for my implant EFIX I will get more work done by you and recommend you to everyone.
When it’s time I will be getting the piece tattooed to give it more of a effect and I will post pics.
Honestly we get attacked enough for the way we feel comfortable living so chill out with attacking a good guy and great artist for giving me something that isn’t easily available to us here in little Adelaide Australia.
I’m also sad to see some negative comments here, I’ve seen this in person and it looks healthy and well cared for.
This implant was what convinced me to pursue getting my ears pointed by Efix Roy
failure the triforce goes the other way and it does not flesh out