Following up on the “Mantis Piercing” nasal tip piercing that I posted a few days ago, Pauly Unstoppable Mowery had Mateo Way of Way Body Arts in Santa Cruz do what they are calling “The Devil’s Three-Way” on his nose. Since Pauly has massive stretched piercings, there are of course a few ways this could have been done (it could have come out of the septum like septrils do for example), but unless I’m mistaken, these are three microdermals, [EDIT: I am mistaken! They are neometal barbells, coming through from inside the nose!] which he’s looking forward to getting some bling for when they’re nice and healed. I constantly enjoy Pauly — he is always uniquely beautiful, and always finds new ways to express his character.
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5 thoughts on “The Devil’s Three-Way”
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They are not microdermals, they are Neometal barbell posts.
aww. I don’t know why but the placement looks perfect to plant a kiss on.
hey he got some cool new dotwork since I last saw him. I like them.
I really dig his new look.
looks so freaking cool!