I had a bridge piercing for all of, oh a month or two almost twenty years ago, and still have very prominent piercing scars at the entrance and exit points, so I can relate to this. If I’m reading his tags right, Dylan, their new tattoo artist at First Blood had some horrible bridge scars, and, well, add Howie (lunacobra.net) to the equation and what’s the easiest way to cover up a scar? A bigger scar! Knowing the way mods progress, should I worry myself with how this has the potential to snowball? It’s like the old lady who swallowed a fly!
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2 thoughts on “Best way to cover scars? MORE SCARS!”
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Hahaha, the title is smart! Same as the idea!
Darnit, that was my idea! 😛 Well, still going to do it, and probably slightly different anyway. My bridge was my very first and most favourite piercing, but it wouldn’t stay. Different jewelry, different piercers, 3 tries in total and they all rejected over time. So I’ve got a triple scar to cover…