Hands Cut and Tattooed

Peter Sheringham (The Piercing Urge, Melbourne, Australia) sends in this shot of a cutting performed with the film crew from Taboo in attendence. That reminds me — the folks from Sin Cities (great show!) are looking for extreme play and modification (eunuchs, saline injection, and so on) people to film with in Vancouver, Seattle, and Montreal. If you’re interested, write me at [email protected] and I’ll put you in touch.

64 thoughts on “Hands Cut and Tattooed

  1. The cutting was done on iam Todrophenia

    He will be chuffed if you tell him you saw it on modblog 🙂

  2. The cutting was done on iam Todrophenia

    He will be chuffed if you tell him you saw it on modblog 🙂

  3. The cutting was done on iam Todrophenia

    He will be chuffed if you tell him you saw it on modblog 🙂

  4. The cutting was done on iam Todrophenia

    He will be chuffed if you tell him you saw it on modblog 🙂

  5. That Todds so hot right now, he’d burn my finger if i touched him. 🙂 nice work Petey Bird 😀

  6. That Todds so hot right now, he’d burn my finger if i touched him. 🙂 nice work Petey Bird 😀

  7. That Todds so hot right now, he’d burn my finger if i touched him. 🙂 nice work Petey Bird 😀

  8. That Todds so hot right now, he’d burn my finger if i touched him. 🙂 nice work Petey Bird 😀

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