Well, since IAM is all messed up (I’m going down to see what’s up in about two and a half hours — sorry I can’t go sooner — I think that the SATA-II RAID card has failed personally), I figure I ought to post a few entries here for you.
Cutting with skin removal and texturing done over a four hour sitting by Brian of Pure Body Arts in Brooklyn, NY.
wow, that’s absolutely stunning!
Brian does some really amazing work I only wish i had met him while he was in town. All of my friends got something done by him and said hes a complete doll. Its nice when talented people can stay humble.
This is unbelievebly beautiful. Probably one of the most beautiful and well done scarification pieces I have ever seen.
Gorgeous, of course.
“That boy good!” what movie is that from?
That’s just stunning! I love how bright and beautiful fresh cuttings look, esp when they are done so very well! I would be very interested in seeing how it heals.
how long cutting has been around in the tattoo shops? I know it’s history but “texturing” the skin seems like a “new” technique.. who knows
That certainly does look good; my only concern is if all the scarring is going to bleed together?
Regardless it’s an eye-catcher until that point at least.
I guess this is one of those that’s very dependant on how it heals, but with a little luck, this has every chance to end up as stunning as it looks fresh – are we gonna get an “after” update?
That is beautiful.
simply stunning… i love koi
Absolutely gorgeous.
thats mad detail! really does look amazing. would be interestinhg to see how muh of the detail remains obvious once it all healed.
And thanky Shannon. Even though I don’t yet have an IAM account (I will as soon as I can afford a camera that works!) I spend a fair bit of tyme snooping around any profiles open to public veiwing. So thankyou =)
that is ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUs and just simply amazing… wow.
That’s bloody gorgeous. I would really love to see healed photos though, to get an idea of how that texturing turned out.
On some people, this will heal with amazing detail, and I hope the person who got this is one of them!
That is just so beautiful. I always like scarification pieces the best before they heal. I just don’t understand people who can look at that and go “Ewwww! DIDN’T THAT HURT????” because it is just so amazing that we can do things like that with out bodies.
“That boy good!”—Coming to America. BOOYEAH!!!
Phenominal. But yeah with the reservations on the healing – gonna lose alot of that texture, I’d guess?
Just a thought, but has anyone who really likes the pre-healing appearance of cuttings ever thought of simply getting a red ink tattoo (with a bit of coloring nuances here and there to simulate blood pooling and the variations in our bodies) in the “wood cutting” style in which this koi is done?
Is this a silly question?
that’s amazing… wow…
Simply Amazing.
this looks great, i hope it heals just like it looks.
if you look at it in brians scarification portfolio, there’s 2 sets of pictures, one with less detail and this one with more. it looks like the same piece on the same person but i can’t tell. any one know?
this is my leg!!!
…..i should have gotten linked!
oh well
This is amzing.
it’s beautiful
C’est un grand morceau de travail, qualité vraiment haute.
I’m really interested to see healed pieces where the artists have used texturing.
Amanda is the smartest person EVER!! I was starting to think noone knew it.
holy carp! I’m in love.
this is the most beautiful cutting i have ever seen. does anyone know who it belongs to or if healed photos are available? amazing..
its my leg
Iam: BlackJettas
i didnt get linked thought and its only 8 days old so as soon as it starts healing up ill update on my iam page
Cool, can’t wait to see it and sorry for not linking you.
Speaking of the detail work: Shannon, do you happen to have any more recent pictures of some of the very detailed cuttigns you’ve posted here before, like the anchors and the elephant and some others? I’ve been wondering how those look healing.
this one you can tell it isn’t just for the pain or because of a fad but for the art
What a striking piece of work, I hope it heals beautifully.
Got to talk to Brian on the phone he came across as real cool really looking forward to getting my work done ………full side cheek facail . Will post pics when its done ~6969~ …. ~_0