I really like this backpiece by Munpie in Antwerp, Belgium. If I’ve misidentified it and it’s Incan or Aztec, someone please correct me by the way.
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60 thoughts on “Mayan Backpiece”
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I’m sure that picture is in that Chariots Of The Gods book.
I’m sure that picture is in that Chariots Of The Gods book.
Absolutely beautiful
Absolutely beautiful
so sexy with the tattoo
so sexy with the tattoo
Wow, that is absolutely beautiful. I hope that when I get around to getting my backpiece, it turns out as amazing as that.
Wow, that is absolutely beautiful. I hope that when I get around to getting my backpiece, it turns out as amazing as that.
gorgeous and intricate work – the sleeves go well (not sure if they were supposed to originally or not)
looks great and very sexy
gorgeous and intricate work – the sleeves go well (not sure if they were supposed to originally or not)
looks great and very sexy
I really have no words to describe how much i like this peice. Amazing.
I really have no words to describe how much i like this peice. Amazing.
i am officially in love with belgian tattooing.
i am officially in love with belgian tattooing.
hah! that so awesome! thats a really nice tattoo, I smiled when I saw it
hah! that so awesome! thats a really nice tattoo, I smiled when I saw it
Your right Shannon… it is Maya in nature. The iconography is distinctly Maya, although it has been stylised somewhat. One glyph that i can see can be translated to “The scattering of blood (bloodletting ritual)”. Its a beautiful piece.
Your right Shannon… it is Maya in nature. The iconography is distinctly Maya, although it has been stylised somewhat. One glyph that i can see can be translated to “The scattering of blood (bloodletting ritual)”. Its a beautiful piece.
Simply amazing… *wow*
Simply amazing… *wow*
Hahaha I was gonna say Wayde will wet himself when he sees this, but he obviously has already seen it:P
Hahaha I was gonna say Wayde will wet himself when he sees this, but he obviously has already seen it:P
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SHIT”” amazing back piece’ regards from latinoamericaaa
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SHIT”” amazing back piece’ regards from latinoamericaaa
Well, I’m not an expert, but I’m from Peru, and that doesn’t seem to be Inca.
Well, I’m not an expert, but I’m from Peru, and that doesn’t seem to be Inca.
It gets a little busy but its vibrant enough to pull it off- I love it! The sleeves compliment it well, I would agree.
It gets a little busy but its vibrant enough to pull it off- I love it! The sleeves compliment it well, I would agree.
What Quaid said – although it’s super-duper stylized (and not really in the Maya style, IMVHO – albeit definitely with the iconography.) Hand-fish is definitely the good ol’ blood-sacrifice glyph. Can’t really make out the other ones, though – and the fact that he’s holding lightning is very strange.
What Quaid said – although it’s super-duper stylized (and not really in the Maya style, IMVHO – albeit definitely with the iconography.) Hand-fish is definitely the good ol’ blood-sacrifice glyph. Can’t really make out the other ones, though – and the fact that he’s holding lightning is very strange.
This is my fav. tattoo I have ever seen on modblog….. His sleeves are awesome also… beautiful tattoos!!!
This is my fav. tattoo I have ever seen on modblog….. His sleeves are awesome also… beautiful tattoos!!!
now that’s a pretty backpiece!! I love backpieces, but it’s so hard to find a good one:) (for my taste that is)
now that’s a pretty backpiece!! I love backpieces, but it’s so hard to find a good one:) (for my taste that is)
Wonderfully strong and dramatic piece of work.
Wonderfully strong and dramatic piece of work.
I love it when you post “quality” mods!
I love it when you post “quality” mods!
It is def. Central American Mayan/Aztec… Incan art has different qualities it tends to be a little more rustic and primitive than the central american cultures…. It is an amazing back piece!
It is def. Central American Mayan/Aztec… Incan art has different qualities it tends to be a little more rustic and primitive than the central american cultures…. It is an amazing back piece!
judging from some little details and specially how face is designed and other things i am able to say it’s almost 100% a mayan sculpture. incaic ones where more simpler, and aztec where from before mayans and have some differences on the design….nice tat!!!
judging from some little details and specially how face is designed and other things i am able to say it’s almost 100% a mayan sculpture. incaic ones where more simpler, and aztec where from before mayans and have some differences on the design….nice tat!!!
Hi thanks to everyone for the comments and just to tell you that yes i’m really proud of my backpiece(Munpie is really an awesome artist!),but we planned to add some black ink to the background!… that will be a lot more graphic,we tried it on a picture and it turned really well!… That idea of the black background is not from me or either from Munpie,it’s from another tattoo artist Mike who is tattooing in Zurich(i think!!!),so thanks to him!… and you now it now but yes once again it’s Maya and all the glyphes where chose for the aesthetic and not the meaning so don’t really try to understand it!They are not making any real sentences!
Hi thanks to everyone for the comments and just to tell you that yes i’m really proud of my backpiece(Munpie is really an awesome artist!),but we planned to add some black ink to the background!… that will be a lot more graphic,we tried it on a picture and it turned really well!… That idea of the black background is not from me or either from Munpie,it’s from another tattoo artist Mike who is tattooing in Zurich(i think!!!),so thanks to him!… and you now it now but yes once again it’s Maya and all the glyphes where chose for the aesthetic and not the meaning so don’t really try to understand it!They are not making any real sentences!
That is beautifully done and an amazing theme for a tattoo
That is beautifully done and an amazing theme for a tattoo
No it taken from a book, Munpie the artist is an old friend, and he freehanded the image before tattooing and it is based on an image on a clay vase…so its a one of a kind..excellent composition and execution.
No it taken from a book, Munpie the artist is an old friend, and he freehanded the image before tattooing and it is based on an image on a clay vase…so its a one of a kind..excellent composition and execution.
another masterpiece by the chief himself! far out!!
another masterpiece by the chief himself! far out!!
It’s Aztec and is Tlaloc, God of LIGHTING AND THUNDER
It’s Aztec and is Tlaloc, God of LIGHTING AND THUNDER
from witch artist are the polynesian arms …
from witch artist are the polynesian arms …
wild skin – the aztecs were after the mayans
wild skin – the aztecs were after the mayans
I’m getting a backpiece similar to this very soon and I’ve been looking everywhere for some more information on this piece
I’m getting a backpiece similar to this very soon and I’ve been looking everywhere for some more information on this piece
I know I’m a little late to the discussion, but the diety is most likely Chaac, the god of rain and thunder. He corresponds to the later, Aztec deity Tlaloc.
I know I’m a little late to the discussion, but the diety is most likely Chaac, the god of rain and thunder. He corresponds to the later, Aztec deity Tlaloc.