I can guess what AnAngelScreams‘s passion is (it even has an IAM forum) — as tattooed by Erich Foster at Rise Above Tattoos in Buffalo, NY…
See also: crafty!
I can guess what AnAngelScreams‘s passion is (it even has an IAM forum) — as tattooed by Erich Foster at Rise Above Tattoos in Buffalo, NY…
See also: crafty!
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I love some of these nostalgic type of designs. This one is particulary lovely.
That is one of the most amazing things ever.
that is absolutely beautiful.
I love it. Reminds me of going through my grandmother’s nick-nacks (good times)
hah, thats really kewl
So awesome. I’m in beauty school right now, so I really appreciate a great tat like this. Yay for hairdressers!
i love this.
Holy Shit.. this is all kinds of RADNESS!
That’s fun, I made that forum… at least give me credit, people..
Also makes me wish my beauty sleeve was done, so that could go up here… I started it like 2 yrs. ago, but had all kinds of financial roadbocks :{ ick.
Anyways, just wanted to make a correction!
Amazing tattoo
This is amazing, I really think it is beautiful!
My brother is Erich Foster at Rise Above Tattoos. He did this work, and I could not be prouder of him. Wow.
that is amazing tattoo i love it
i’m hair dresser i plan on getting a barber pole.shears combs etc some time