The tattoo on the right is of course an ASCII rose, and on the left is Curtis‘s username in a UNIX root command prompt. It’s by Shane Hart in Lawrence, KS, but Curtis emphasizes that the fading is because he was deployed with the US Army right after this was done.
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11 thoughts on “Ascii Ink”
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I allways like geeky tattoos
haha a geek soldier.
Where is it on his body?
g33k 4 life!
Pfff, didn’t even get the root folder tattooed on? haha!
Nice though, computer tattoos are the best XD.
Nothing like taking your work home !
what shell is he using?
computers are so confusing to me
Heya. Sorry for not saying. These tats are on my biceps, the prompt on my right and the ASCII rose on my left. The shell would be the first one I ever used, Korn (it will always have a place in my heart, right next to the transistors), root user. I didn’t want to put the root dir in the prompt because I have a tendency to only ever install system files to root. I save programs and such for usr, and actual user files for home. I use /usr/l0j1k for most of my project files, text files, storage, etc.
Hope you enjoy!
BTW, Shane Hart was a great, great artist (he unfortunately doesn’t have a shop anymore — he does design work for a big company). He used three individual outlines for each of the strokes, which produce the flat-topped forward slashes. IMHO goes to show how good he is. As it says the fading is the Infantry’s fault.