Hey, as well as having the requisite rockstar-sleeve, Asian Jesus of The Dirty Chinese Thieves seems to have the same supercheap bass as I do! Anyway, I have two great tattoo interviews ready to go for tomorrow (and I did some really minor cleanup on the look of BME/news since a fairly fast production cycle is happening right now) — I’ll post whichever people are more interested in coming first. The two choices are the opposite ends of the spectrum; the spectacularly talented Johnny Thief, or the “interview with a scratcher”.
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32 thoughts on “Tattooed Rockstars”
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Nice sleeves =]
Personally, i would rather interview with a scratcher was posted first, it will be a nice opposite to the recent tattooist interviews, which focus on the much more ‘professional’ side of the art.
Nice sleeves =]
Personally, i would rather interview with a scratcher was posted first, it will be a nice opposite to the recent tattooist interviews, which focus on the much more ‘professional’ side of the art.
I also enjoy the sleeve
And I’m also voting for interview with a scratcher.
I also enjoy the sleeve
And I’m also voting for interview with a scratcher.
Johnny Tattoo!!!! <3
Johnny Tattoo!!!! <3
erhm I mean Johnny Thief, tattoos of course.
erhm I mean Johnny Thief, tattoos of course.
Scratcher interview.
Scratcher interview.
my votes for scratcher !!
my votes for scratcher !!
I’d like to read what the scratcher has to say.
I’d like to read what the scratcher has to say.
this photo is a beaut!
this photo is a beaut!
Scratcher for sure would be really interesting me thinks.
Scratcher for sure would be really interesting me thinks.
what is with the asian connotations in the name
what is with the asian connotations in the name
Scratcher it is
Scratcher it is
What sort of level of scratching is it though? Is it decent scratchers or low grade work anyone with a razor could do?
It’s getting a bit weird as a rift seem to appearing between “mainstream” tattoo’s and non-mainstream and the result is a sub culture within a sub culture?
What sort of level of scratching is it though? Is it decent scratchers or low grade work anyone with a razor could do?
It’s getting a bit weird as a rift seem to appearing between “mainstream” tattoo’s and non-mainstream and the result is a sub culture within a sub culture?
love the sleeves
love the sleeves
I’d be really interested in seeing the « interview with a scratcher » interview, actually.
I’d be really interested in seeing the « interview with a scratcher » interview, actually.