Happy Friday – Photo of the Day

Enjoy your weekend folks.  Sending you off is a submission from LeoDeFeo.  No information was provided about artists but we can just enjoy the view, can’t we?BME

I’m trying something new.  I’m calling it Photo of the Day.  I’m going to pick 1 photo from the BME submissions and highlight it here on ModBlog as the photo of the day.  This is not something I’m going to do every day and how often I do it is really going to depend on the quality of the photos submitted.  Please note that I said quality of the photo.  Think back to the old BME covers, if you’ve been around as long as I have, and you’ll probably get my meaning.  If I post your photo as the photo of the day I will reward you with extra BME access!  You can still submit to BME anonymously.  If you do that and your photo is featured just email me, [email protected], and let me know that was you and I’ll go in and credit your account.  The more information you provide with your submissions the better!   Allons-y!


Roland Zwicknapp Wallpaper

At the other end of the spectrum of heavily modified people, you’ve got people like Roland Zwicknapp of Visavajara (visavajara.com). He’s let me share this gorgeous portrait shot of him a few years ago by Ethan Oelman. Click the image below to see it uncropped, or save it from this link for a desktop wallpaper sized image.


Noor One vs Jay Read

I like this portrait that Noor One (noorone.com) shot of Jilted Royalty’s Jay Read (jrworld.co.uk). It’s in part the photo and the lighting, but I love how his black ear (it really is tattooed solid black in real life) looks like a piece of slick glossy plastic, as if he’s some surreal tattooed mannequin! Click to see a large uncropped version of the photo (which might make you a nice desktop wallpaper).

On the run

When it comes to Super Mario games the one that gets overlooked the most would have to be Yoshi’s Island.  Which is a shame because it first introduced us to the character of Baby Mario.  But not everyone has forgotten Baby Mario, as you can see below in this photo sent in by Migoreng.

“You’ve come a long way, baby”

When you compare Mechanical Demon (tattoo artist at Harness in Helsinki, Finland) from 2007 to 2012, you can really see what an improvement the jump from tattooed and pierced person to full heavy-mod enthusiast has made. In addition to some more tattoo work, I can also see that he’s added some sternum implants, a pair of transdermal implant spike horns, radical ear pointing and I think lobe removal, as well as black eyeball tattoos. Really checked off that wish list quite successfully, didn’t he?


You can zoom that picture but the others in this entry are at full size. Anyway, to no small part because of his striking and eye-catching appearance he’s had the opportunity to model for some great photographers, but one shoot that really struck me was this amazing photo by Tinttu Henttonen, with make-up by Mia Magia. Click here for a close-up that shows his ear very nicely — the reshaping work that was done on it is quite something.


Another photo I liked was this old-time portrait, which also shows his mods nicely and reveals one that I’d missed in the first photo, a set of subdermal horns higher up the scalp, a placement that works very nicely with his transdermal spikes (but might otherwise look odd on its own).


Stephane of Hold of Needle, Lyon

Hey, if you’re going to make a clone army of naked men, best to give them matching tattoos, right? And what is BME anyway, if not the home of the naked tattooed army? In reality of course this is Stephane Tissier, head piercer and owner at Hold of Needle Body Piercing in Lyon, France (Photo © Studio 5.56).


While I’m showing you Stephane’s mods, I wanted to zoom in on his hands, because he has a pair of superb piercer/mod artist tattoos on them — a scalpel blade on one, and a piercing needle on the other, done by JC Sheitan at Screaming Needle (also in Lyon, which from what I can tell from across the ocean, is a real mecca for body art with a lot of superb artists in one region) and Tristan of Empreinte Bodyart respectively.


Mmmmm… Beard

I’m a sucker for a well groomed beard, as many people know.  Aussie beard guru WayLay Jake knows this very well, and knows that if he sends in a photo of his beard (and of course his many modifications, including that amazing rhino scarification on his stomach) he’s going to see his mug on ModBlog.  This photo is just one of many from a fundraiser Jake did to help out the victims of a house fire.  The WayLay Suspension gallery has the all the photos of his sideshow act, so be sure to visit them.  Oh, and if you haven’t noticed yet, you can comment on photos in the galleries, so make sure to mention to Jake how awesome his beard is.
