I thought that given some of the recent debate about mainstreaming and so on that this might be a good opportunity to post an interview with queer/leather/biker outlaw tattoo artist Jacki Randall. Click through for the interview, come on back to comment.
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49 thoughts on “Jacki Randall Interview Posted”
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I like the gasmaskchick and the “bigger lady” reminds me about a movie I used to watch when I was a child ^-^ it had trolls in it !
interesting interview but i didn’t like any of her works. i guess that is just not my style
I remember reading that comic “How’d you become a tattoo artist?” years ago and besides making me laugh, it in some ways prepared me for the mountain of shit I would endure being a woman in the tattooing world. Take everything with a grain of salt, and don’t hold back from insulting the feeble minded idiots you WILL encounter. Its awesome to see the face behind that comic, thank you!
Whatever turns you on, I guess, but this is one more side of tattooing that I find pretty distasteful; not to mention the disservice it does to tattooed people in general. I try not to comment on the kid who wants to look like a zombie or the guys with huge labrets, because they tend to be individuals and don’t propogate such negative and narrow minded stereotyping as this. I’m sorry, but when I’m in line at the supermarket I don’t want to be labeled by middle-America as gay, biker, leather or any of that, but rather seen as the fairly normal, if slightly eccentric, guy who chooses to adorn himself, not flaunt society. No offense, just my take. I like body modification to be accepted, not tolerated.
she’s an interesting lady thats for sure, some of the cartoons are pretty cool, but i did like the bear with the huge dick that made me laugh![😀](https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f600.svg)
I love this lady. While her tattoos don’t appeal to me on a personal level (in that I would get one tattooed on me) I think they’re amazing, and they speak to a certain culture in America.
I’m sort of in love with her.
That should read “(in that I wouldn’t get one tattooed on me.)” My apologies.
I think I’m in love… haha.
oh totally fucking rad. i like that her approach seems to be a lot more like that of a cartoonist, and that her tattoos are neither super-stylized nor photorealistic. i like grit, and i love leatherdykes, and this is pretty much an amazing combination of the two. would like to hear more about how, if at all, her sexuality/sexual beingness influences her designs. plus, two strong women in leather? excuse me, i think some drool just got stuck in my keyboard…
The naked one with the hatchet looks like Despair from Sandman.
Thomas, seriously? Think about what you’re saying.
Why do you think it is that you can express what you see in yourself as slightly eccentric via your tattoos? I doubt that when Jacki is in line at the supermarket that she would like to be labeled as a straight, fairly normal, SUV driving, Gap jeans wearing woman. Ease up.
thomas – The irony is that if it were not for the efforts of “gays” or “bikers” or “leather culture”, piercing and tattooing would likely not exist at the level it is today! The fact is that you owe your ability to be a modified person to that culture — I think it’s somewhat sad that many people have a deep desire to reject that culture.
Like I said, no intent to offend. I just don’t feel that, while everyone has the right to their tattoos, this type of thing is good for tattooed people in general. I personally don’t feel a need to use tattoos, piercings, or other alterations to alienate me from any culture or to identify with one. That is just a foriegn concept to me; I alter my body because it looks and feels good to me, and I’d appreciate it if the general public either ignored it (and me) or responded to it as if I wore a fine pair of shoes. The shoes, nor the tattoos etc. say a thing about me other than that I feel no need to conform or comply.
Shannon; I understand and respect your point of view, and it is valid to an extent. The fact of the matter, however, is that I don’t “owe” anything to any culture or subculture. Simply because one or many groups of people may inspire an individual doesn’t mean he is in debt to them, or that he even must respect them. People have been modifying themselves throughout time; to suggest that current subcultures deserve sole credit for what is nothing more than human nature garnished with creativity and inspiration doesn’t make sense. I assure you; I had piercings and tattoos for their own sake long before I was aware such things were related to sexuality, fetish, or any such idea.
Awwww. I don’t exactly like her style of tattooing, but she is so kickass! She has a definite style that is uniquely her, and I think that is awesome!
I would have no problem with being associated with gay or leather people by being tattooed; not that I think that’s likely to happen. It’s a bit sad that someone would feel insulted by that perceived association.
This is one of my favourite interviews on modblog so far. I love her art and her tattoos are ace, not to mention her attitude.
This one really made me smile, I think ’cause I identified with her ideas more than most other interviewees on here…
I agree with #10. And I definitely like this lady.
Thomas – On one hand I understand, because much of my early inspiration came both from “nowhere” and from National Geographic, but on the other hand, it’s gay/leather/biker/etc outlaw culture that created the industry, so the reality is that the huge majority of people wouldn’t be involved were it not for those cultures and their efforts. I think that deserves some thanks, in the same way that one owes ones parents for their role in laying the foundation for your life.
Oh, and Re: “I like body modification to be accepted, not tolerated.”
It’s funny that you say that by the way, because I feel pretty much exactly the opposite. I couldn’t care less if people accept me and think I’m “normal” — I only care that I’m tolerated and treated with a small modicum of decency.
as other people have said, not the style of tattooing i would choose for myself, but i have the utmost respect for this woman. this is one of the few interviews that really made me happy to read.
and seeing as thomas seems to enjoy stereotyping people based on the very barest of bones of that person, i’m going to go out on a limb and say that he sounds like EXACTLY the kind of person that would annoy the crap out of me irl. im sure he has lots of really pretty, generic tattoos that all his cool friends will think he’s rad for having and that situation makes him very happy
Reminds me of the old underground comics. R. Crumb, Vaughn Bode, Gilbert Shelton etc. I love that stuff. Wonder Warthog, Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers, Forty-Year-Old Hippie, Lizard of Oz, Feds n Heads…haha.
Good times.
Loved the interview, too.
I think that this has been one of my favourite interviews. Thanks you very much!
i read the interview about an hour or so ago, and wasnt really a fan. Gave it another read and im sort of coming around to it. the domestic goddess and the leather clad winnie the pooh bear, sort of grows on you
Don’t assume that everyone who gets modified has, or should have, the same motivations as you. And don’t put down people who get modified to define their place in a group or to seperate themselves from normal conservative narrow-minded society.
Body modification is more than just a creative expression, it serves as a right of passage, reinforces personal bonds, and creates a sense of “groupness” within a culture. It also serves to define what groups you are not a part of. This is true in societies that have traditionally practiced body modification, and in modern Western “subcultures.”
Modern piercing and tattoo culture in the West developed as a means for people on the outskirts of society (queers, bikers, sailors and fishermen, etc) to thumb their collective noses at bourgeois values. They were saying, “No, we’re not like you, nor do we have any desire to be.”
Sorry, the above comment was supposed to be directed at Thomas.
That was a really interesting interview – thanks for that Shannon!
4: get a clue about history. and a clue about leatherfolk too while you’re at it.
meh. I want to say something else, but nothing’s coming out right. I guess the thing is: what leather is in ignorant people’s minds and what it is for leatherpeople are very different. and what things were like when she was coming up are, I’m sure, very different from the way they are now. But those of us who do have one foot in the mainstream (or more) owe everything to the people who were brave enough to be the total outlaws. So yeah, thomas: whether you meant to offend or not, you did.
Thomas, you want to be seen as a “fairly normal, if slightly eccentric” individual most likely because that is who you are. That is perfectly acceptable. It’s also perfectly acceptable for other people to choose the images they wish to project.
I like her – I like her a LOT. Definitely not the style of tattoo I’d get, but I like the way it looks. And that was an interesting interview to read too!
dam tooting number 21. my thoughts exactly
I’m with Paleblue. I think Thomas has some issues with gays, bikers, and leather. Possibly just a closet bigot. Possibly just in the closet himself…
I can’t say I like her “art” and I doubt that we would get along at all as people.
her style sort of reminds me of the Hothead Paisan tip.
I really liked this interview. I had no idea this kind of tattooing still existed. It brought back memories of “Bad boys and tough tattoos” by Sam Shepherd for me. Thanks!
34: Yes. I was thinking something similar without realizing it. “Now who does that remind me of…?” Heh.
and also: Exactly to #29. It’s fine to not make waves (as long as actual thinking for yourself led to that.) But the people who do are the people at the forefront of changing culture. It’s all a big trade-off. We all need security, and we all need rebellion. Figuring out how much of each we can and should live with is part of what life is about.
I don’t understand this whole “other people with tattoo’s that I don’t like reflect badly upon me” idea. Dude, what other people do is their business, and most thinking adults recognize the difference between a college grad with a full color sleeve of pretty flowers and a hardcore 1%er with “FTW” on his knuckles. Besides, as Jacki points out, all that biker shit is co-oped for TV now anyway. Americans love watching “outlaw bikers” on choppers with hella tattoos.
Look, I have tattoos and ride a motorcycle. But my tattoos are colorful and clean, and my motorcycle is a sport touring bike. Old women don’t run from me in fear because OTHER people who have tattoos and ride motorcycles are dangerous criminals. That’s just a ridiculous idea. Get over yourself.
Great interview, Shannon.![🙂](https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f642.svg)
This person is so fucking cool!!! I wish more people like her still existed.
Interesting read, but I dont really like her style, it seems… I dunno sort of what I drew during middle school ( And I never really was any good at drawing) Even so, i like the CONTENT of the tattoos!
Love this interview. Only wish it was longer. Thanks, Shannon.
I really enjoyed the interview and I think I love Jacki. Thank heavens there are still artists such as herself who are keeping this industry true to its roots and accessible to people who come to body mod from every walk of life.
Jacki Randall does a variety of gorgeous styles of artwork, which are not entirely represented here.
Her portraits, colorful pieces, and paintings are absolutely breath-taking.
It is important that viewers of this site and others similar should know what a highly diversified talent Jacki is.
It’s a shame that more of her great work wasn’t shown, because there isn’t any style she can’t render beautifully. Just look at her website!
All the beautiful, serious work Ms.Randall has done, and you chose to drag out her earliest, goofiest offerings? Unbelievable. This is just another example of how women in the tattooing business are kept down.
Dozer and all — please do follow the links in the intro to check out more of her work. There’s certainly no intent to misrepresent her work or range and I apologize if it came off that way.
Killer interview, if all too short. I’d love to get some work from her, but I know my smart mouth will bring on a well deserved beating!![😉](https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f609.svg)
I will only let Jacki Randall work on me now. The quality is so great, everything else is worthless. Very clean, and she is great. A real pleasure to have work on me.
Jacki is the Goddess. Damn shame you didn’t show her REAL work. In case you didn’t notice she doesnt waste time on assholes.